
5 Reasons for not living in Saudi Arabia

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Just to balance things...

Bad driving.
Lack of alcohol.
Summer heat.
Intolerance of other customs.
Shops closing for prayers.

And a sixth... being told to go home if you dare to make any form of criticism.

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You can just go home if you dont like the culture here...

Think that a Saudi guy goes to England and criticizes the culture of England and always says bad things (always raining, dirty streets, feeling the pressure of the Islamophobia thing etc..) about the Kingdom...

Would this be a nice thing...



He was just sharing his thoughts on 5 Reasons for not living in Saudi Arabia as last week we launched a thread on 5 good reasons for living in Saudi Arabia. :)

Thank you,


Yeah but you here anyway.. you guys come here for the huge tax free salary, then dare to critisize the country like that.
An alcohol free country is the best thing ever. Alcohol is no good for anything.
Stores being closed at prayer times is the best think ever. It's a time off, from everything, to recharge our energy and soothe our soul. that there's something more important than money and materials to cherich.
Summer heat, well it's just not here in Saudi Arabia, and ACs are evrywhere.
Bad driving, I have to agree on this one.
And I didn't really get what do you mean by your 5th point.


Alstroemeria wrote:

Yeah but you here anyway.. you guys come here for the huge tax free salary, then dare to critisize the country like that.
An alcohol free country is the best thing ever. Alcohol is no good for anything.
Stores being closed at prayer times is the best think ever. It's a time off, from everything, to recharge our energy and soothe our soul. that there's something more important than money and materials to cherich.
Summer heat, well it's just not here in Saudi Arabia, and ACs are evrywhere.
Bad driving, I have to agree on this one.
And I didn't really get what do you mean by your 5th point.

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