Breaking Housing lease?

Does anyone know what the law is when trying to break the lease to the apartment. i'd like to get out but my landlord refers to the contract and says that I can't break it until the year is over. Any advise will be appreciated...

Depends on your contract...we too have signed up for 1 year, so if we want to leave before that time we would lose our deposit (which was 1months rent).
I've heard some places demand you pay the full contract off...hope that is not the case for you!
Ask for a copy of your contract...good luck!

AmeriLeb, B*llsh*t, if u want out they cant force u in, theres a clause in the contract that says you need to give one months notice and leave on a certain date, other than that, they cannot force u to stay.

the contract does say one year, but that is not a restricting covenant.