
living in rome, new york

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I am french and have just been hired by a company which is located in Rome New York. I would like to have your feelings about living in Rome.
Thank You !

See also

Living in New York: the expat guideTax refund process: help neededHiring Full-time Stay-in Helper / NannyGood preschool for toddlerFrench people

Hi Jojo53,

I was just wondering if you meant this:

There is indeed a City in one of NY's Counties called Rome. If not, then it's the other Rome :shy. Welcome and goodluck on your offer.


I moved the topic to the wrong forum, sorry it's a mistake :shy it should be fine now


BONJOUR JE VIENS DE M'INSCRIRE, je suis francaise (corse)VIVEZ VOUS A NY??? et je souhaiterais partir vivre a new york, et donc avoir des infos merci d'avance

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