
Light Rail Project

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Hi there,

Does anyone have a solid reliable update on where we are with the proposed light rail development between Curepipe and Port Louis?

Bloomberg carried an item a while back indicating that a "green light" for the project was on the cards.

I'm getting a lot of conflicting reports out of  Mauritius at the moment - much of it hearsay and rumour I suspect - and I need some clarity.

Please only post if you have genuine knowledge on the matter.



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Hi Warmup, in around 1991 or something i was still a kid and read with great fascination with the ambition of this project but back then it looked more like UTOPIA concerning the amount it will cost. Every lapse of cyclic 10 years the project is re-studied by new consultants, millions of tax payers money go into it and its been like this since more than 30 years ? And ofcourse the project has not become cheaper, each time a new study is done the price of the project goes up to. Personally I don't see it coming now because its to expensive. But finally something is happening with our roads system and the ring roads for bypassing Port-Louis are this time FINALLY being built and under completion in these coming years. We REALLY do see something being done with the roads, a while back then, these were just plans to. I personally think, when the big master plan projects of roads improvement have greatly progressed the next step will be to get that railway but also the Bus lobby is strong - strongly opposing it ? But traffic remains a terrible problem for a lot of Mauritians, a railway would be the solution because busses are stuck in traffic as well...

Edit: Railway - i mean light rail :)


This is what is supposed to be in the  works  or plan but, if you've known the govt, they will wait for a grant or full funding from some  'godfather" donor country ( BRIC  or EU)  in return of something :P

Jin Fei is nowhere to be finalized and I doubt that the Chinese govt is willing to venture  in this project now  compared to their lobbying last year ( other fish to fry on the African continent where  the scramble for its resources  is more important than  MRU).  Don't know if any of the IFIs will be willing  to "finance"  it  on long term loan to the island.



i saw this morning in the newspaper a short article about it. Being considered in their assessment is a Singaporean company to setup the light rail. Since new cities have emerged like cyber city, and they also want to include bagattel shopping mall they have to keep on working on the master plan, now evaluated at Rs.30 Billion, that is lets say 1 Billion Euros.
It says in the article that in 2013 they want to finalise the project plan.

I dont know about Jinfei, but i saw them cutting grass, is it a sign ?
And the round about where they placed it, right between the one of riche terre and terre rouge with so little space in between, with the estimated 30 000 people to go work at Jin Fei when its to be completed - hmm, a deja vue Phoenix round about situation ? It looked like a quick built to get them to come. They have ressources and can get things built quick, but does the island need a Jin Fei ? At that location ? Road planning for so many dwellers ? hmm... :/


Thanks all for your input, but nothing provided that I don't already know.

Allow me to be more specific about the sort of intelligence I'm seeking. For example:

Have any contracts been signed between the Mauritian government and any other stakeholders, ie Singoporean contractors or third party companies?

Has any land been allocated, purchased or set-aside for the project?

Have any ministers or other representatives of the government said anything concrete about the start of the project, other than non-specifics about 2013?

Many thanks.


WarmUp,answers to your questions are no,no and no.Nothing penned down as of yet.


Thanks Alisa. Your short but precise answer was exactly what I was looking for.

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