Kayak rental??

Looking for Kayak rental in or near Budapest.  Anyone know of any place?


petewsh61 wrote:

Looking for Kayak rental in or near Budapest.  Anyone know of any place?


No, don't know of any but I think you can probably join a canoeing club.

Decathlon do inflatable canoes if you want to buy one. I'm planning to do this for this summer at Balaton.


There are a bunch of "water sport associations" ("vizisport egyesulet"), they are usually focused on organized sport.

Then there are firms renting boats for recreation, the term to search for is "vizitura".

Thanks for the replies!

I will only be in Hungary for six weeks, so I am strictly looking for a rental.

Hello szocske!  I hope your family is well and I get a chance to meet with you again this summer.

Best, Pete.