
American in Belgium/90 days stay limit


Hello everybody! I am an American living in Antwerp with her Belgian boyfriend. I am finishing my Masters in Law from the University of London, long distance programme.

I've been in Belgium for almost 2 months. The 90 day stay limit is approaching. For how long do I need to leave Belgium before legally re-entering?

Thank you all very much!

See also

Work permit in BelgiumVisas for BelgiumThe Working Holiday Visa for BelgiumBelgium Visa Processing Timeline and DocumentationCould we could get married in Belgium with a tourist visa?

Hello, How's it going? I have had a similar experience. I moved here in April of 2008 to join my boyfriend who moved here for his job. He automatically got his residence permit through his work but since we aren't married I have had to go about getting my residence permit on the basis of cohabitation. That might be something you could look into for your situation so you don't have to bounce back and forth between the US and Belgium. Otherwise I believe its 6 months you technically have to leave Belgium for before you can return on your passport alone. Good luck!


Hello, How's it going? I have had a similar experience.
I move to Belgium in july/2008 after the 90 days period i thought going out of Shengen area(i went to dublin for 3 days because Ireland its not in the Shengen area but in the euro zone),thinking that after the 3 days i was gonna have another period of 90 days.First time ok but when the next 90 days came in again i wanted to go to London for 2 days but i was stopped at the eurostar train border here in BRUXELLES MIDI and they got my passport and counted every single day.The officer told me that the law  states: During a whole year you can not stay more then 180 combine and if you overstay you have to return to your country and enter after at least 180 days and you might need a visa too...
After all this happened the next day i went to the comune where i live and register myself and presented the doc. required and after a period of 6 months i received my permit to stay.

Best regards


didelgado29 wrote:

Hello everybody! I am an American living in Antwerp with her Belgian boyfriend. I am finishing my Masters in Law from the University of London, long distance programme.

I've been in Belgium for almost 2 months. The 90 day stay limit is approaching. For how long do I need to leave Belgium before legally re-entering?

Thank you all very much!

Hi how are you finding things im also tring to move over for a bit for my Belgium bf