
work as MBBS doctor


Hi all,

I am from Pakistan coming to Germany in the august for Masters[pathology],i did my MBBS from China and i have one year internship with one year experience in hospital.

can i work as a doctor in hospital?

what other kinds of part time jobs i can do ?

How much i can earn per month?

your reply will be highly appreciated.


See also

Job offers in GermanyFinding work in GermanySetting up a business in GermanySummer jobs in GermanyObtaining professional recognition in Germany

To work as a doctor you may need to pass an exam (gleichwärtigskeitprüfung) first since your degree in from outside of the EU and there may be other hurdles (prove of german language ability + "eingewöhnungsphase"). But it varies a lot from state to state. I also think you can only work for
a limited number of days if you are on a student visa.
You can do all the usual student jobs (cafe, bartending, work at the university, library) for sure.


thank you vroni,

Usual student jobs (cafe, bartending, work at the university, library)can earn how much euro per month???[approximately]

i will get 4 years visa with work permit so is there any chance of working as a doctor if i will pass German language test + German medical license exam?

thanx once again vroni.



Hi I am also an Asian doctor educated outside Germany, I will be moving to Germany and I am planning to undergo surgical residency training. I would like to clarify things like what are the steps I could take before applying for a residency training? I learned that I have to acquire at least B2 level on German language from Goethe Institute,is that true? What are the subjects included in the Medical licensure exam? is it like the USMLE? What specific books and reviewers I could use in preparing for the examination? Can I use my books in preparing for the examination (like Harrison's INternal Medicine, Schwartz Principles of Surgery, Robbin's Pathologic Basis of Disease, Guyton's Human Physiology, just to name a few)?


HI hassan can i get ur contect no.....also need help....


00918494071385.sehrish whats app me or call me on this no