Anyone live in Tabuk?

Hi there, I have been offered a job in Tabuk in the North of Saudi Arabia. I will work for the British International there.

Anyone know of the place or the school? I feel like I am letting myself into somethign that I know very little about.




Wait till a little later in the day, you posted late last night, so maybe more people will see your post this evening, or even on the weekends, it's maybe busier here :)

Thanks Louise. Sound advice.


Hi There,

This is a very conservative place, which you will find difficult walking around. If you don't mind being submissive, covering up, have a lack of exericise then you should be fine. Good luck.

What do you mean by covering up? I am male.

Also, why do you mention the lack of exercise? I heard that there was a fitness centre at the compound.

@OMA- i think she was talking about the women there.
But yeah it will be just like any other small town in Saudi arabia. Personally I havent been there, so I cannot comment any further.

I have heard it does snow there on rare occasions.

a couple of posts were moderated. can't afford any problem

OMA did you decide to come here in the end? I just arrived and was wondering!