
Information and knowledge needed on Holiday Working Visa! PLEASE HELP!

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So the information on this subject is very hard to find. I am looking for anyone! with knowledge on if this visa can be extended after the first year in anyway?

I am a Canadian citizen.

please help, I am searching for answers but also hoping someone can help.

Thanks in advance


See also

Visas for the NetherlandsWorking Remotely for UK based companyCan I work remotely in the Netherlands for a US-based company?Orientation Visa After MastersMVV Deadline Passed


May be that you can take a look at the website of the Immigration and Naturalisation services.


Hi Shaun,

Actually the info. is right on the DFAIT Canada website for the work permits ( … eng&view=d) and the Dutch embassy in Ottawa ( … ogram.html).

The rules are exactly as stated, and you can only do the WHV to Holland for ONE year. Unfortunately, there's no way around it.

If I remember correctly, the UK is the only region for which we can get 2 years.

I would recommend that while you are in the Netherlands, try to search for a full-time job that you can be sponsored for. It's not easy, but it's been done before.

If your girlfriend graduates during the year and earns enough money, she would be eligible to sponsor you.

As well, you should seek out information on becoming a freelancer, maybe setting yourself up as a personal trainer or something like that. I don't know how this works, but I do know people who have gone the freelance route.

It may be good idea to just come for the year and see how you like the place and see the prospects before making concrete plans.

Veel succes!

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