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Hello everyone,

Has any of you been to Janadria yet? If yes; how was it? what's good and what's not that good? any opinion or an idea?
If no; why not?

Thanks and best regards,

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Living in Saudi Arabia: the expat guideTamam financeF.A Graphic DesignStatus of your request QVP changed to On-holdProfession change in iqama

This has been discussed a couple times in the last few days.

  Please search the threads and you'll find answers to your questions :)


I haven't seen the threads either. Anyway my Husband and I are off in 10mins to Janadriyah with Haya Tours. Will let you know how it was.:proud


Okay, let me give you the threads in case you can't find them :)

There's this one:

And this one:

And this one, scroll down a bit:

Have fun!


I went yesterday, it was fun, so organized, parking available everywhere and enough. I think it's better to go through the southern gate because it's easier, you take the exit right before the bridge.

I visted Jazan village distingusished by flowers and dances. Hail village also has their dance and they have a beautiful tent where but falcons and they let you cary a falcon and have a picture with it for SR 10. Gasseem Village is one of the best with big open place and high towers and traditional shops, they have camels that anyone could try for a short round and they charge SR 10. They have nice dances. I bought an old antique for my mom it's called gennara (three peices of wooden rods crossed and tightened from the top and spreaded in the bottom with a rob dangling with a hock to carry the milk container where women in the past used to set and shake it). I looked for kherj which is the pockets they put on the humb of them camel but I couldn't find.
Madinah village is wonderful with professional dances and food, it needs to be made bigger because it's so crouded. They have a very big screen to show the operate.

I encourage all to go and don't miss it, in my opinion it's one of the best festivals in the world.



I went last night and I thought it was even better than last year! The weather was absolutely perfect and it was nowhere near as crowded as last year but then again, I heard that if you wait until the last few days, that's when it's really crowded.

I don't remember falcons last year (and they didn't charge any money for pics) and I did get to hold it.  The same male singing/dancing as last year in areas for the different provinces.  Lots of food and exhibits.

I think the thing I like most about Janadriyah is that I have fun watching people having fun.  To see so many people joining in, enjoying themselves, just lightens my heart.

There's lots more I can say but I won't, except that from now till the end it will be for families.  So if you're a single guy, see if you can join a married friend and his wife and GO!

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