Kitten :)

Hello everyone . I have seen many kennel home but I never got any way out to find about "CATS" Kittens :( .Can anyone help me adopting kittens. I dont know why there is no such place where I can buy them or get them.Kindly , post up your message and information if you have any.
Thank you!!
keep meowing!

i can get u if u want....

Hi, I know your post is already quite old, but maybe you or somebody else is still looking for cats or kittens.

I am a volunteer at the KAT Centre (, and we have kittens and cats (and dogs and puppies) for adoption. The adoption is free and you get a free year of medical care. The animals you adopt from us are vaccinated and sterilised (if they are old enough - if not, bring them back when they reach the age and it will be done for free). At the moment, we have 3 very cute kittens and a beautiful, very cuddly tomcat who are looking for a home!