
Hi...Indian Interested in Chile immigration - need info

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Hi all

My name is Mukul, presently in Mumbai (Western India).
At present, I am an independent business consultant operating in western India and my wife is a artist specializing in image development and ceramics.

We are interested in immigration to Chile and start a small business etc
I will appreciate it if someone can give us more information on the best possible process or direct us to any Indian family who has recently immigrated to Chile.

There are number of lawyers I found on the net, who supposedly specialize in immigration, but would appreciate if someone can recommend someone.

Warm Regards

See also

Travelling to ChileAFP withdrawl for a foreignerAny information on the Chilean Family Court SystemInquiring about Chilean Citizenship by Birth for Our BabyGot tired of EXTRANJERIA

Welcome to the forum Mukul!

Have you taken a look at the different discussions of the forum? It may help.

Here is the Indian Expat Network in Chile >

All the best,


You would probably do better to just find someone who can read Spanish help you read the documents here and do everything yourself.  There are a lot of attorneys here and most seem to be broke and with no office.  I find dealing with them just as frustrating as dealing with the bureaucracy.  So don't waste your money on an attorney.

I don't know about starting a business but someone seeking employment here can come on a tourist visa and then apply here once they get a work contract.  Probably the same with someone who wants to start a business.


Hi...Thanks a lot!
As of now (as you suggested!) we are planning to come on a tourist visa, start a business and apply for residency and so on.


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Spencerglobal! Yes i saw their website earlier and emailed them. But go not response, so after two or three reminders, i got a abrupt one liner saying that 'Indians need to apply for their residency from their country', which contradicts the information i have from other two lawyers and some Indian businessmen in Chile.
Anyways, i get a feeling they probably don't want to deal with Asians or they are incredibly busy.
Anyways thanks for the thought. When are you planning to move to Chile?


Hi Mukul

I am Sarika, Raghu's wife. We moved to Santiago an year back.
Raghu had a work contract from his company and so he got a work visa and I and our son came here on dependent visa. So I dont know much about the process for immigration but there are quite some sindhi families here who have immigrated and have set up businesses here.
I am from Pune and speak marathi. Nice to know you and if you need any help let me know.
I am interested to know what business you would like to set up here. I am also looking for someone with whom I can start up something here.

Best Regards,


Hi Sarika
Sorry for the delay in reverting. Was traveling for last few days.
We are interested in setting up a pottery business and are looking at Chile for startup opportunity. We would, most probably land in Santiago, Chile in last week of March.
Would be great to connect with you sometime over coffee.  I am from Mumbai, but my wife (Anagha) is from Satara and has studied / stayed in Pune for almost 10 years. We presently stay in Panchgani.
Do you have some ideas about what business you would like to get into?
If possible send me test email on
Will update you further about our plans accordingly.


Mukul35 wrote:

Hi Sarika
Sorry for the delay in reverting. Was traveling for last few days.
We are interested in setting up a pottery business and are looking at Chile for startup opportunity. We would, most probably land in Santiago, Chile in last week of March.
Would be great to connect with you sometime over coffee.  I am from Mumbai, but my wife (Anagha) is from Satara and has studied / stayed in Pune for almost 10 years. We presently stay in Panchgani.
Do you have some ideas about what business you would like to get into?
If possible send me test email on
Will update you further about our plans accordingly.

Hi, Mukul!

My mother works in inmigration area, maybe I can help you with some advices. There's a important indian and pakistani comunity in Iquique (Atacama desert) and Santiago also.


Dear Mukul,

How are you..?
My name is Vinod Goyal .I am from delhi.Doing my business in Uganda.
Want to start business in Chile.Pl let me know if you can help me.Or give your contact That i can Call you.




Hello Vinod Goyal.

This thread is a year old. :)
Could you please start a new thread on the Chile forum with your questions?

Thank you,


Dear All,

Want to Start Business in Chile...Pl Help me for Visa and to open a company there.Tks


Dear Aurelie,

Tks for reply

How are you..?

Can you help me To get Chile Visa and to start Business there.




Hi vinodmeham > please start a new topic with your questions on the Chile forum.

Thank you. team



I am also interested in moving to Chile - Has any progress been made to your replies ??

Nilesh bhoir

Hi mam
It's nilesh bhoir from mumbai
I also marathi
I just recently heard about chile
N i liked. If I got opportunity for move to chile i would like but can u tell me what are the procedure for migrate in chile fir indian people.
How to apply.


Hi Guys,

I am from mumbai/india,want to move to chile for setting up business
any one have experience and guide me on this will be helpful



Nilesh bhoir wrote:

Hi mam
It's nilesh bhoir from mumbai
I also marathi
I just recently heard about chile
N i liked. If I got opportunity for move to chile i would like but can u tell me what are the procedure for migrate in chile fir indian people.
How to apply.

Hi friend
I am also from dahisar Mumbai,

I am also interested to move to Chile just finding the procedure.
Since we have same goal so can we meetup in and discuss.



Dear Sarika -

Need some help

This is Kevin from Doha Qatar. planning to move Chile

pls contact me

Nilesh bhoir

Hi imran

My emIl

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Nilesh bhoir wrote:

Hi imran

My emIl

Dear Nilesh,

I sent an email to you


pragya badola

This side Pragya m also planning to move chile. I want to start a small business and my husband is looking for a job opportunity. We both are business graduates, my husband have 15 years of experience in retail operations, and i have 5 years of experience in training and admin.
If you have shifted to chile pls can u guide us also.

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