Foreign marriage to Chilean during separation

Hi guys,

My current partner and I have both been married before. Legally still are.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit more about some legal stuff.
My partner's ex wife recently moved back to Chile after their split up and is requesting some documents that would imply that the ex wife is still insured under my partners program.
She claims that because she is married to a Dutch person, she cannot get health insurance in Chile as it is better in Europe.
- As far as my knowledge goes, the country you live in is the country where you get your health insurance, unless Chile has completely different rules? (1)
She also wants to get divorced and claims that the only way to do so, is for both parties of the marriage to be present in Chile.
- This also seems louche, and travel is definitely not recommended during a pandemic. Anyone any ideas on how divorce exactly works in Chile when it includes a foreign spouse? (2)
- My partner and her ex got married in Chile and then moved to Germany, their marriage is also registered in Germany. They have been separated since September. If the ex wife moves back to Germany, is my partner liable for her as she is her sponsor? Can the ex wife make any claims even though they are separated? (3)

These are my questions, I'd appreciate all help (preferably with sources as though where to find the information as well, the internet is a maze and I haven't been able to figure this out.


This will most certainly need a Chilean attorney who specializes in divorce, and not internet forum advice.

Nevertheless you can research these links, first an overview of divorce in Chile:

You may then read up on the types of divorces and the requisites for each:

You can find even more links and information by doing a search like:

chile leyes de divorcio