
July 2024: Is this still current in Amman

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I am in the United States have left Jordan but my husband is still behind, and I am trying fiercely to use my resources and sell our truck so we can move back to America.  The little time I was in Amman things were hard and I am sick, (oncologist thinks lymphoma) so I am back to the US for treatments.  Non-the less we are in dire need of selling things including the Ford F150.  I thought I would try this platform but see that it's not very active.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Blessings and appreciative for you chiming in.

See also

Living in Jordan: the expat guideHas anyone successfully brought their motorcycle into Amman?Bringing/Importing motorcycle to JordanBuying a Car in Amman - Help NeededQuestion Regarding buying and registering a car in Jordan

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