Meeting others while exploring Valencia

I want to meet others while exploring Valencia. Is that possible?  I'm 56 yr old lady.

@LumiLight  Hello and welcome !

When will you be visiting Valencia ?

Have you listed a few places of interest you want to visit ?




I totally understand your wish to meet others while exploring Valencia. 

My son and his Valencia CITY wife are encouraging me (78 years old) to move to Valencia so I am actively resarching apartments in Arrancapins and have found a couple I might be interested in.  I will be in Valencia in April and May 2024 (Yes, I am a planner) and am hoping I can met some expats during that visit. 

Of course I want to live the Spanish life but initially it is very, very important that I have some English speaking expat friends as my Spanish, while I am working on it, is very elementary.

You don't happen to play tennis?   Any chance you will be in Valencia in the Spring?  Can you keep me posted.  By the way, I am from Ann Arbor, Michigan originally but been living in South Caroline the last 12 years.  I look forward to hearing back from you. Pamela Reading-Smith



im tenting for 3 months early 2024. i guess you wont still be there then


hi Bhavna, i take it you live in Valencia ?