Friends needed!

Hi, I'm moving to Valencia on the 31st of August and am looking for friends. I am going to teach at the British College of La Cañada but will be living in the centre of Valencia, Avenida Giorgeta. I am a 29 year old primary teacher and enjoy travelling, chatting to people from around the world, shopping, going to festivals,  learning new languages and hanging out at the beach and in cafés and bars. I speak fluent English and German, and would like to learn Spanish whilst in Valencia.

Please note, I'm not interested in receiving private flirtatious messages from guys. I'm married and am only looking for friends.

Hello Janina84.

Hope you'll make interesting contacts here on the forum.

Keep us updated on your expat experiences.


Karen :)

Hi Janina, hope your move goes according to plan and you enjoy the rest of the summer before you start your new job, you say that you are married and I was just wondering what your husbands interests are, the thing is my missus is also a teacher at the same school and I am at a lose end during the day, maybe he has a job but if not then perhaps we could meet up. Let us know when you get here and we could all meet up anyway......good luck

Hi, Thanks for your reply. My husband will be teaching at a language school but probably only part time. We'd love to meet up! My email is : As for Tim's interests, he enjoys listening to and making music, comic stuff, books and drinking beer in the sun ;)

Oh hi Janina,
I actually just wrote to you on a different thread.. am new to this whole forum thing.
I arrive in Valencia shortly after you and will be teaching in a primary school too! Would love to meet up, as I don't know anyone in Valencia!
Hope to hear from you.

Hi, Thanks for your message. I'd love to meet up in Valencia.  I've sent you a pm with my email and Facebook details. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi Guys,
My name is Stacey and we're also moving to Valencia this week. I will be teaching at the British School of Alzira, which is just south of Valencia city center. We're planning on living close to the school and very close to beach, but will be going to Valencia city center often, as we fell in love with that city when we first went there 3 years ago. My husband and I are sharing this profile and although he does graphic design from home, he'll have time during the days as well. Let's all meet up soon!

Hi Janina nice to meet you , I am in the same situation , I'll plan to move in Valencia and buy a apartment/flat.
I am looking for new friends and meet new people.

Hi Newcomers Janina, Lurcherman, Ramada, Stacey, and Lactobacillo:
Welcome to Valencia area!  I'm Jim and have been living here in Valencia for 3 weeks, always looking for new friends to explore this wonderful city with.  I propose a little newcomer get-together in late August (Aug.25 or Aug.31?).  Suggest 2pm for drinks/lunch at a central, easy-to-find location: the big store El Corte Ingles at Colon 27, just inside the entrance closest to the Colon subway station.  Interested?  Which day is better?  Please send your emails so we can 'concretar' off-forum.

I am an energetic early retired medical chemist/executive from USA taking advanced spanish classes at the University, have an apartment in Ruzafa, love to tool around on Valenbisi (the wonderful public bikeshare system), as well as  the bus/tram/metro system, and just came up from living 4 years in Buenos Aires.  Am best reached on email  at james dott tusa con geemale dott com.
Welcome to Valencia y saludos cordiales!

JayKayTee wrote:

Hi Newcomers Janina, Lurcherman, Ramada, Stacey, and Lactobacillo:
Welcome to Valencia area!  I'm Jim and have been living here in Valencia for 3 weeks, always looking for new friends to explore this wonderful city with.  I propose a little newcomer get-together in late August (Aug.25 or Aug.31?).  Suggest 2pm for drinks/lunch at a central, easy-to-find location: the big store El Corte Ingles at Colon 27, just inside the entrance closest to the Colon subway station.  Interested?  Which day is better?  Please send your emails so we can 'concretar' off-forum.

I am an energetic early retired medical chemist/executive from USA taking advanced spanish classes at the University, have an apartment in Ruzafa, love to tool around on Valenbisi (the wonderful public bikeshare system), as well as  the bus/tram/metro system, and just came up from living 4 years in Buenos Aires.  Am best reached on email  at james dott tusa con geemale dott com.
Welcome to Valencia y saludos cordiales!

It' a nice idea Jim , we can meet and get drink and lunch , I'll walk arounf Valencia to look some "pisos a reformar".

Hi guys, I won't be in Valencia before the 31st but would love to meet up the weekend after.

Hey whats going on you should have no problems making english speaking friends n Valencia , I just moved o Glasgow from Valencia I lived there almost 6 years you'll love it there's plenty to see an do in an around he city and the trains will take you where ever you want to go if you want more of an english feel try a town called Javea or any town on the costa blanca ,, I have 2 friends of mine who teach at the english school in Alzira if you like I'll give you there number one is welsh an the other is from New Zealand don't worry there both happily married ,, and I'am from the US ,,, Take care Peter adeu


I will be moving in 2 weeks to Ontinyent, small town close to Valencia. Im going to be an au pair for a year and would love to meet some people and make some friends to.
I am 27 years old and from Holland.

Would be great to meet you!


Sorry folks, couldn't pull together the critical mass of enough new people to have that get-together.  Now I'm off to Madrid for a week and then USA for a few months of begging (for that Spanish residential visa).  But I'll be back in Wintertime. Enjoy Valencia!
Saludos cordiales,

Hi Janina84, Hi everybody, I am also a new resident to Valencia. I arrived here also on early Sept. I come from China and work here as a commercial people. I speak fluent English & Chinese.:) I am 34 years old, married with kid. I want to make more female friends so that I don't need to go shopping on the weekend alone. OK. If your guys are willing to let me join your little circle, please let me in. I don't have facebook yet, only whatsapp in my phone.

Of course, I live in the city, not the old city, but very close to it, 20 minutes walking to the center.