How to Improve.

The only way i think you can improve to the forum is by adding a IM forum to the site.Also i notice that in every mails i received or sent out,it does not reflect in  my email dat i use to register to dis site.

For instance Facebook for every new mails you receive a mail alert in your inbox or SMS alert.


The peformance between pages are very slow.Could be memory leak?Whenever I browse back using browser back button,I get a script running error which may cause the IE to be unresponsive at times..


Hi kenny234!

You can choose this setting in the "privacy" section of your profile ;)

@ maggyeast: Are you experiencing the same problems on other browsers?


Hi Armand,
I do not have other browsers in my desktop right now.I will try @ my laptop and let u know.

I tried at laptop too and have same issue(browser script error) which degrades the performance..

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