Sending kids to study

Hello everyone

Kindly assist on how can I first send my kids to study in Australia then I can follow them later. They are in their secondary high school.

I am looking for ways that will also not break the bank while doing so.

Thank you in advance for your assistance

Hello Dumila Mdluli45,

Welcome on board !

How old are your kids ? If they are minors they can not be on their own. They need to be with a parent.

Have you contacted the embassy ?




Hello, thank you for your feedback, the kids are 15 years and I haven't contacted the Embassy but relying on information from the web.

I haven't come across bursaries as I search but have come across accommodation options while studying. Any help on how to get bursaries.

The Embassy in Pretoria (I believe it is the nearest embassy to your residence) will definitely provide you with information about bursaries or scholarships.

Feel free to get in touch with the :

@Bhavna thank you so much for your help
