Seeking help to find a friend who left his country 30 years ago.

Can someone help me to find my friend Kamal Hossain/ Hossen/ Fida who I lost since 1993?  His family is also in dark. All of his family and friends are looking for him. Please help me. We are not sure if he is alive!! Please help

Hello Guleulfat,

Sorry to hear about your friend !

Of what nationality is him ? Where was him last seen ? Have you contacted the embassy ?

All the best



Thank you so much for your reply.

He is from Bangladesh. It's been a long time I saw him in 1993,April 21. He went to Russia as a student, that's all I knew. As the communication was not as good as nowadays, so it was hard to be connected with him. He had sent me some letters in 1993 through one of his friends but I didn't have his address. Also He called me a few times  in 1993 over the phone. Then he stopped calling me when one of my sisters told him not to call.

I never contacted any embassy. I am not sure how to process.