Accommodation in Samara

Accommodation in Samara
Updated by Anne-Lise Mty on 19 September, 2017

If you have never heard of Samara, it is a place that you should definitely discover. Located at the confluence of two rivers, namely the Samara and the famous Volga, this beautiful city with a rich historical and cultural legacy has been attracting foreigners worldwide for decades. As of July 2017, about 1,169,700 people were living in Samara. Samara is known to be a city of opportunities due to its strong economic background, relying mainly on automotive and aerospace industries.

You will need to find appropriate accommodation in Samara before settling in. Like most major Russian cities, Samara hosts a range of housing units for all tastes and at affordable prices. You just have to inquire about its different neighbourhoods in order to determine which one would suit you best.


Samara consists of nine districts which are known as 'Raions'. Unlike other big cities in Russia, Samara does not really have an elite district. It is not rare to see recently built skyscrapers standing next to old and run down houses with toilets on the street, or five floor buildings from the Soviet era next to multimillionaires's villas. Consequently, it is quite difficult to determine the limits of the most prestigious districts of the city.

Generally, accommodation in districts bordering the rivers are most sought after. Lenin, October and the Railway Raions concentrate the highest number of companies and business activities. Kuibyshev and Volga Raions are located further from the city centre, so much that they are often considered to be a separate town. They host the cities's biggest oil-refining companies. Due to the city's unusual landscape, some districts are more isolated than others, especially Kuibyshev, Kirov and Samara.

Kuibyshev, which is found in the south of Samara and on the Samara river's left bank, consists of 5 micro-Raions as well as several villages.

Samara, which is found in the South-west, is particularly isolated from the rest of the city, although it hosts part of the city centre and is linked to the rest of the city by a bridge. It used to host bread and cereal shops.

The Lenin Raion is deemed to be the city's historical and cultural center. It is particularly famous for its ancient shopping streets, as well as old mansions and wooden houses. You can also have a view of the Strukov Garden and of the Kuibyshev Square which is Europe's largest square.

The buzzing Railway Raion hosts the central railway stations, as well as many factories.

October is another cultural Raion where you can enjoy museums and green spaces, namely the University of Samara's Botanical Garden which covers 40 acres of land.

The old Soviet Raion, which is found in the countryside, hosts green spaces and university campuses.

Located in the North of Samara, the Industrial Raion also hosts the Youri Gagarine natural park, just like the Krasnaïa Glinka Raion which is found in the North.

Kiro is Samara's biggest district, including an airport, and 15 micro Raions.

Rent prices

To rent a single bedroom apartment in Samara's city center, you will need an average of 13,000 Russian roubles per month. But in the outskirts, you will pay around 11,000 Russian roubles for an apartment of the same size.

If you prefer to rent a well situated three-bedroom apartment downtown, you will need 40,000 Russian roubles per month against 30,000 Russian roubles per month for an apartment of the same size in the city's outskirts.

Find accommodation

Like in most Russian cities, seeking the assistance of real estate agencies to find accommodation in Samara may not be the best and cheapest option. Even though, many home owners are more likely to entrust their property to real estate agents so as to avoid dealing with the many calls and visits, there are still many opportunities available without having to go to a real estate agency.

Moreover, to rent a housing unit in Samara, you will have to produce your passport and your visa. If you are planning to stay there for more than three months, you also have to register yourself. Your work place, university or landlord may do it for you. Note that not all landlords agree to register their tenants so as to avoid paying taxes.

Useful links:

Numbeo - Cost of living in Samara
IC Russia - Samara

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