
How can I prepare my puppy for a 30-day trip to Brazil?

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Avan Sardar


I recently acquired a 4-month-old chihuahua puppy and was looking forward to traveling with him. However, I didn't realize how complicated and unclear it can be to get the necessary medical clearance. Has anyone gone through this process and can offer some guidance or recommendations for a veterinarian in Los Angeles who can assist with this?

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideBringing animals ( dogs and cats) to BrazilDogs Die - What Can Be Done?Moving with pets to Brazil98 lb dog to Brazil???

@Avan Sardar Please refer to the PET TRANSPORT Thread for detailed information. I brought my 35lb. Beagle / Cocker Spaniel to Brazil and it was the hardest thing, hands down, I ever had to do x 3.

I will make this short though.

  • Find out how you need to travel, weight of dog and if it is cargo or cabin.
  • The rules are a lot easier for cabin, so I will only say for me and cargo NOTHING, not even the ticket could be purchased ahead of time. Everything started at the 10 days in advance.
  • You will still need a veterinarian.
  • You will still need a health certificate with all the shots. Send to the USDA and certified.

Since so much depends on how you are transporting, find out first and then read the Pet Transport thread.

Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg

Avan Sardar

@roddiesho Thank you! My dog should be under 20 lbs and I will most likely go the cabin route instead of cargo.


@Avan Sardar Great Ezee Pezze. There may be good info on the Pet Transport thread. I would first look for a Vetenarian. Since I believe you said you were a new owner with a young dog, this should be a regular part of your process. As they get their first check-up, I would inform them of your travel plans and make sure they can provide you with the correct and timely documentation.

To find one, I would start with location, since you will be traveling to the office more than once. Then I would ask them if they had much experience with your breed of dog at that age.

I also took American Airlines, which is considered one of the best, so I would choose one that is very pet friendly.


Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg


Maybe I am misunderstanding this post but there is a travel ban in place through July 2023 for dogs entering the US.  So I think you can get your dog into Brazil but not back into the US.  You can look on the CDC gov website for more info.  Getting the paperwork to get our dog to Brazil was not a problem.  Call around and try to find a vet that knows the process.


@Droplover l think you are correct. It has something to do with the proliferation of rabies in Brazil.


@Droplover There is an exclusion for dogs vacinated in the US:

“Dogs vaccinated against rabies in the United States by a US-licensed veterinarian may re-enter the United States from a high-risk country without a CDC Dog Import Permit if the dog:

has a current, valid US-issued rabies vaccination certificate;

has ISO-compatible microchip;

is at least 6 months old;

is healthy upon arrival; and

arrives at one of the 18 airports with a CDC quarantine station” … n-frn.html


@alevinthal Well that’s good news. In this day and time the rules seem to change all the time.


@KenAquarius bringing your pet through customs in Brazil and other Latin American countries is difficult. Even though your dog will be riding in the cabin, you  may want to use the help of a broker. Here is the contact information for broker I have used and can recommend.

Despachante Confins José Ricardo

pet travel broker


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@alevinthal For sure when the time comes I will use a broker. I'm not about to try it myself. My dog is too big to ride in the cabin. He will have to be crated and go cargo. Thank you for the contact info.


@alevinthal I am happy this will work for you!  We have been in Brazil too long and our dog has been vaccinated against rabies twice here so far.  Here it is done yearly instead of every 3 years.  I wish it was all simpler.  We have to stay in Brazil until our dog dies I'm afraid unless the rabies ban gets lifted....... Going back without our dog is not an option.


@Droplover “Going back without our dog is not an option.”

I feel the same way. My dog has been with me since he was 8 weeks old. I will be with him until one of us crosses the “ rainbow bridge” as they say.

Damn l just got misty thinking about it. 1f604.svg

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