Job offer at University of Bahrain

As per GDNO news: ONLY Bahraini teachers will be employed until 100 per cent Bahrainisation is achieved in government schools, it was declared.

@asadbajwa2023 ok, this is for teachers like working at elementary schools, high schools, public schools. But is this covering Academicians, like PhD holders, like research scientists, researchers, lecturers? For example, I am waiting for an Assoc. Prof. job and my application was at CSB. So there is confusion here. I saw some news from 2021 and it is true that they were talking about Bahrainisation process and it would progress slowly, like firstly teachers, next higher degrees. I guess they are trying to understand if this is in effect for all and so we are on hold. I hope they solve it. I am a US PhD holder and a researchers which means I am both teacher and scientist. I do want to go there and I believe that UOB is an internationally recognized university which employs internationals, not many but some. They do have researchers and does this news mean whether they will be fired or no. I don't think so. I am still hopeful and I will wait for their calling which is what I still feel it will happen eventually. I am not quitting my job, even I will be visiting US as a sabbatical and once they call and I get my visa, then I will take care of my plans. That is my recommendation. Keep faith if your duty is not just teaching. Being teacher is of-course very valued. As I said that I will be both teacher and researcher. And I do understand that they may have policy to assign their people to teach for their kids. If I was governing a country, I would do the same since education in early ages is main and must be taken as a national priority by their nationals since someone one else might impose her/his own values and culture to those little kids, or those young adults who are looking for their future. Someone from different country may not exactly teach the targeted national aims to those kids or young adults. Also, I see from the news that their own graduates are getting hard time to be appointed while too many expatriates are working at those jobs. Thus, I see their point rightful but I believe that they would reconsider the recruitment for researcher jobs, scientists, lab assistants and doctors. We will learn what will happen some time later. Keep patience and good luck to all us.

@veyselnezir Hope for the Best. They would reconsider the recruitment for researcher jobs, scientists, lab assistants and doctors

@cheinche I am interviewed on June 08,2023 for the Assistant professor CS/IT. After a week I was asked for the relevant documents.  Is is that mean I am selected for the subject position? But now it is total silence. Can you suggest me any timeline for the final offer letter etc. Thank you

Any news about UOB offer letter

I had received an email from the Department that they got green signal to proceed with the recruitment and asked me if I am still interested in joining them.

It was in middle of June 2023.

After that all quiet.

Anyone received any update?


@veyselnezir Any developments to the process?

@cheinche Kindly Please can you guide me about the process time length? or the current policy or any developments in this regard

@Member1234 Any further new or developments please!! Thank you

@Dr. HK

Please can you inform of any news or developments


Kindly please can you give any updates or information? Thank you


How much slow ? Kindly please can you give any updates or information on selection process thanks

I don't know why you created 5-6 questions in separate posts.  Just ask if ANYONE has an update, in one post,  instead of cluttering up the thread.

In terms of how slow, people have waited 6 months to a year.  So don't expect a faster outcome and manage your expectations.

@Foo Khan

Recently I contacted to the department who interviewed me 6 months back. They replied currently HR has paused all applications. There is a possibility that HR will resume the applications in somewhere middle of 2024.

@XTang Thank you. 🙂

@johnchen1894 Thank you very much

@XTang Thanks a lot for bearing up. Actually i thought messages are not going through : )

Does anyone has any update when the university will resume the pending applications.

EXPATRIATES may soon be barred from taking up positions in six professions – medicine, aviation, legal, accounting, banking and education – following a heated parliamentary debate.

MPs yesterday unanimously approved a proposed legislation submitted by five legislators, led by second deputy speaker Ahmed Qarata, during the weekly session.

It also suggests a two-year grace period to remove all existing expat workers in the sectors from the date the legislation received approval by both Parliament and the Shura Council.

Under the proposed bill, which was debated for around three hours, the minister concerned would be obliged to draw up a strategy for replacing the foreign residents with Bahrainis, following Cabinet approval.

“Bahrainis aren't being given the chance to get these high quality jobs,” claimed MP Mohammed Janahi. “All they hear are hollow excuses that they are either incompetent, unqualified or lack the necessary skills, even without being given the chance for tests, tryouts or assessments.

“A Bahraini who applied for a flight attendant job was rejected by the national carrier because he fell short by one centimetre of the required height, yet at the same time hired expat flight attendants and air hostesses are put up in four-star hotel accommodation.”

Yes yes, everyday there is something about expats in the parliment.  There is no need to worry unless or until the Shura council approves - they don't approve majority of the requests e.g. 2% tax on expat remittances etc.

Any updates regarding job offer

@XTang Patience is something you need in Bahrain

I asked to my department which interviewed me last year for Faculty position at UoB.

Following is their reply.

The recruitment process requires the HR to process and agree on the candidate and provide a job offer. In 2023 we have been informed that there will be a pause in recruitment in the University and the process will resume in 2024. However, until now we have not received any update from HR to resume the process. From my perspective, since we start the academic year in September, and now we are in April, its unlikely that we will proceed with the application for the next academic year. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer of when this will change and if the recruitment will resume shortly.

If there is any update on your application for recruitment will definitely update you. Thank you for following up with your application and wish you all the best.