General information about Mexico City

Get an overview of in Mexico City with general information to discover the country

Discovering Mexico City

What one must keep in mind when first getting to the Mexican capital is that this is a truly massive place with a big personality ...

Adjusting to the culture in Mexico City

A mesh of cultures suits a place like Mexico City very well as it is one of the most visited places on the planet and, to this ...

Developing your social circle in Mexico City

Keep in mind that Mexicans are very social and that it doesn't take a lot of trouble to meet people who share your interests ...

Developing your professional network in Mexico City

If you do a search in your field, or fields, of interest, you will find that there are many business associations and networking ...

The networking etiquette in Mexico City

Although for the most part, people are easy-going, it doesn't hurt to keep certain things in mind if you want to make the ...

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