General information about Bali

Get an overview of in Bali with general information to discover the country

Adjusting to the culture in Bali

Bali is idyllic, and its people are welcoming and charming. This is what comes out of various reviews and testimonials ...

Making friends in Bali

Being an expat in Indonesia can be a daunting experience. Everything from the language barrier and the culture to the local ...

Courtesy rules in Bali

In Bali and Indonesia, networking events are often regarded as formal events. It is, therefore, critical to have a good ...

Developing your professional network in Bali

Every month, five million tourists visit Bali. This makes it a particularly good place to network on an international ...

Discovering Bali

If you are planning to move to Bali, here is some essential information for a smooth and successful settling into your ...

Share your Expat Experience in the Guide

As an member you can share your own experience about your expatriation by writing some articles in the Expat Guide.
Formalities, Visas, Work, Bank. Share your tips or your knowledges about the new country where you chose to live, or about your own country.