Niki Siri marriage

What is involved for a foreigner to marry an Indonesia Muslim in a niki siri marriage.

How long does this process take. Can the foreigner arrange it himself?

Can this be completed in a couple weeks or many documents to complete.

Im not familiar with that term but my understanding they is nikah/ nikha siri wedding that is popular with muslims who wish to keep a low profile
I could be way off but i dont think its totally legal but is within islam (i could be wrong) i think it may be if a man wants a 2nd or 3rd wife etc

Paluch wrote:

What is involved for a foreigner to marry an Indonesia Muslim in a niki siri marriage.

This is a Muslim only marriage with no legal documentation, so there are no restrictions at all but the marriage is worthless in every respect as far as legalities go.
It isn't valid for immigration, kids would be considered illegitimate in the eyes of the law so schools might not accept them, and even getting a simple letter from the local village head is likely to be a problem.

Hi Paluch, probably u mean "Nikah Siri", wich is an unofficial, unregistered marriage.
Im not sure about timing, what I know is that just need a penghulu (Muslim wedding officiant) and its a private cerimony.
Just be aware that this kind of marriage favors men, at the expense of women and their children. cause a man can abondoned the family anytime  without any obligation to provide to them.

So can a foreigner (expat) arrange this on their own or is it just for muslims.  Is there any documents that need to be completed ?

So can a foreigner (expat) arrange this on their own or is it just for muslims.  Is there any documents that need to be completed ?

To marry in indonesia legally you both must be the same religion

Paluch wrote:

So can a foreigner (expat) arrange this on their own or is it just for muslims.  Is there any documents that need to be completed ?

Any two Muslims from anywhere in the world, but the lady will need her dad with her.
As for paperwork, it isn't a legal marriage so nothing needed.

Edit - A lot of mosques are likely to refuse you, but you'll find someone if you hunt around.

If the man Is catholic, he will need to convert before having this marriage?

Is it a big process yo convert from Catholicism to muslin?

Paluch wrote:

If the man Is catholic, he will need to convert before having this marriage?


Paluch wrote:

Is it a big process yo convert from Catholicism to muslin?

Say shahada in front of 2 Muslim men, preferably in a mosque or religious department, and that's that.

If the man is Indonesian or from a country where religion is noted on ID cards or whatever - Paperwork to mess with
If the man is from a country where religious identity is not on official documentation - Nothing

Back to the practicalities

A foreign woman wants to conduct a Muslim marriage to a non-Muslim (Indonesian?) man, but the marriage has absolutely no force in law, and will definitely be useless for pretty much everything, that wide 'everything' covering immigration and anything else official in Indonesia or the rest of the world.
Seems a shade odd.

If the marriage is considered useless, not legal, would the spouse be entitled to everything if the other spouse dies?

Paluch wrote:

If the marriage is considered useless, not legal, would the spouse be entitled to everything if the other spouse dies?

Nothing as there is no marriage, so no spouse.

Not unless said spouse made a will, if a none indonesian makes a will it must firstly be completed in your home country, then taken to the indonesian embassy in your home country, then registered in indonesia

Ps to do this no it makes no odds if married or not

I'm trying to work out what actual use such a marriage would be to you or your potential spouse.
There's no legality in any way, so no immigration advantage, or anything else that's likely to be of any use unless you're a Muslim girl with an eye on not actually committing sin as you would be sort of married as far as Islam is concerned, but then not properly unless your potential partner actually became a Muslim rather than just pretend to be for a wedding.
I'd need to know what is in your mind before I can offer any serious advice.


i am a canadian muslim who wish to marry someone as my 2nd wife in indonesia. Now i can not find any information what is the rule for a foreigner taking a second wife. Could someone help please

    i am a canadian muslim who wish to marry someone as my 2nd wife in indonesia. Now i can not find any information what is the rule for a foreigner taking a second wife. Could someone help please


Purely a religious matter as the marriage won't be recognised by the state.

In Indonesia you can marry a second wife provided that, you prove you are a Muslim and your first wife agree to tge marriage,then you can perform Nikah


thank you for your reply. can we officialy register.



thank you for your reply. can we officialy register.






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    @Fred***        -@cdaryl

Edited by Fred as my post is no longer valid

What telling the truth goes against your rules ?

@anxolobos. Not only agree, she should be sent written permission with an attest from the ministry of foreign affairs, and then you will inform your country's embassy in Jakarta. The Embassy of Jakarta gives you the letter, and then you bring it with you to perform official merriage.

    @anxolobos. Not only agree, she should be sent written permission with an attest from the ministry of foreign affairs, and then you will inform your country's embassy in Jakarta. The Embassy of Jakarta gives you the letter, and then you bring it with you to perform official merriage.

    -@Muhammad Nazakat

The second marriage is not illegal, but it has no legal standing.

No letters are required as it isn't a legal marriage.

The lady's father will have to be there.

Maybe I just want to add a little information, nowadays there are a lot of "Nikah Sirih" but they are more outside the context of religious teachings.  Especially the Islamic religion.  In religion, marriage is a gift in life.  But it will be more blessing if done correctly.  For example, if you want to get married to be a second wife.  The correct thing is that first your first wife knows & gives permission without any element of coercion.  Second, the person who acts as marriage guardian is the biological father (if still present) or a brother or blood male relative of the woman.  That is a valid rule in the Islamic religion.  Nowadays, there are many people who "Nikah Sirih" but whose guardians are friends or strangers.  Sorry, actually it's the same as lying to God, even though you can't lie to God.  Maybe those who don't know will ask, what's the connection?  In short, many people want to "Nikah Sirih" to avoid sin or religious punishment.  However, it seems as if they are only cheating against the provisions of their proper religion.  So it's best to first understand what the  basic rules are based on.

Maybe some people will think this is too complicated.  But the simple thing is the spirit of humanity.  How do you view children who are abandoned by their fathers or don't receive the love they should?  What if you were in the position of your first wife who has given you trust?  Just imagine if that was your biological mother?  My father pass away when I was still in elementary school, so I felt that living and growing up without a father was quite difficult.  Especially for a mother who has to work hard herself to provide a better life for her children.

In conclusion, Nikah Sirih it's not prohibited & is permitted.  But please do it well & correctly.

Especially don't make your children victims of temporary lust, you leave them just because you are bored with their mother or when you don't need their mother anymore.  That is the disadvantage of the Nikah Sirih, where there is no legal force in a country that guarantees it.

    Maybe I just want to add a little information, nowadays there are a lot of "Nikah Sirih" but they are more outside the context of religious teachings.  Especially the Islamic religion.  In religion, marriage is a gift in life.  But it will be more blessing if done correctly.  For example, if you want to get married to be a second wife.  The correct thing is that first your first wife knows & gives permission without any element of coercion.  Second, the person who acts as marriage guardian is the biological father (if still present) or a brother or blood male relative of the woman.  That is a valid rule in the Islamic religion.  Nowadays, there are many people who "Nikah Sirih" but whose guardians are friends or strangers.  Sorry, actually it's the same as lying to God, even though you can't lie to God.  Maybe those who don't know will ask, what's the connection?  In short, many people want to "Nikah Sirih" to avoid sin or religious punishment.  However, it seems as if they are only cheating against the provisions of their proper religion.  So it's best to first understand what the  basic rules are based on.
Maybe some people will think this is too complicated.  But the simple thing is the spirit of humanity.  How do you view children who are abandoned by their fathers or don't receive the love they should?  What if you were in the position of your first wife who has given you trust?  Just imagine if that was your biological mother?  My father pass away when I was still in elementary school, so I felt that living and growing up without a father was quite difficult.  Especially for a mother who has to work hard herself to provide a better life for her children.

In conclusion, Nikah Sirih it's not prohibited & is permitted.  But please do it well & correctly.
Especially don't make your children victims of temporary lust, you leave them just because you are bored with their mother or when you don't need their mother anymore.  That is the disadvantage of the Nikah Sirih, where there is no legal force in a country that guarantees it.


Ah, there's one thing I forgot.  If you have a Nikah Sirih or the simple meaning is that the marriage is legal in religion but not registered by state law.  The most difficult thing is the child's birth certificate.  Because legally in Indonesia a birth certificate can only be issued by parents who have a marriage certificate or marriage registered by the state.  Apart from that, there must be proof of a divorce certificate from the religious office or the husband's death certificate issued by the local sub-district.  So that alone is enough to cause misery for a child.  Because they can't register for school if they don't have a birth certificate.