Formalities for entering Indonesia

Updated by Anne-Lise Mty on 08 September, 2022

For the many foreigners who visit the world's largest archipelago each year, formalities are relatively simple. However, beware of the new conditions relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. This article should give you a better understanding of the requirements to enter Indonesia.

If you wish to visit the largest archipelago in the world, there are a few formalities you must follow to enter Indonesia. It all starts with the check-in card, given to you during the flight or to be collected in the arrivals zone. Once this document is filled in, it will be submitted to passport control before collecting your luggage. It should be pointed out that certain goods such as food, plants and animal products are prohibited from entering Indonesia.

Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter Indonesia. To find out more about this, it is advisable to contact the nearest Indonesian embassy or consulate to confirm the requirements.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, local authorities have reduced the number of entry points into the country to better control arrivals and departures.

The airports currently in operation are as follows:

  1. Sukarno-Hatta in Jakarta
  2. Sam Ratulangi in Manado (North Sulawesi)
  3.  I Gusti Ngurah Rai in Denpasar (Bali)
  4.  Hang Nadim in Batam (Riau Archipelago)
  5.  Raja H. Fisabilillah in Tanjung Pinang (Riau Archipelago)
  6.  Juanda to Surabaya (East Java)
  7.  Zainudin Abdul Madjid in Lombok (NTB)
  8.  Kualanamu to Medan (North Sumatra)
  9.  Hasanuddin to Makassar (South Sulawesi)
  10.  Yogyakarta (DIY).

The number of land and sea entry points has also been reduced. For more information, contact your embassy or visit the official Indonesian government website.

In addition, according to the government regulations on COVID-19, foreign nationals holding the following types of visas are allowed to stay in Indonesia:

  • Service Visa
  • Diplomatic Visa
  • Diplomatic Residence Visa
  • Limited Visit Visa (B211A or B211B)
  • Limited Stay Visa (ITAS)
  • Service Permit
  • Diplomatic Residence Permit
  • Limited Residence Permit (KITAS)
  • Permanent residence permit (KITAP).

Note that visas on arrival (VoA) and visa exemptions have been suspended by the government until further notice.

Visa exemptions for Indonesia

Citizens of 169 countries are allowed to stay in Indonesia for up to 30 days without a visa. To do so, they must present a passport valid for at least six months from the date of arrival, as well as proof of return. Please note that due to COVID imperatives, this visa exemption is no longer issued by the Indonesian authorities.

It may nevertheless come in handy once it is valid again, especially if you wish to:

  • visit Indonesia
  • visit family
  • make a social, artistic and cultural visit
  • out of government duty
  • deliver a speech or attend a seminar, international exhibition
  • attend meetings with headquarters or representative office in Indonesia
  •  for a transit.

Under this visa waiver program, concerned nationals may enter and exit Indonesia through the immigration checkpoints available at airports, seaports and/or land borders that are still in operation as part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19 (see above). It is strongly advised to contact your nearest Indonesian embassy for more information.

Visa on arrival (VoA) in Indonesia

If you wish to travel to Indonesia for more than 30 days, you can obtain a visa on arrival at the airport or seaport. This visa is available to nationals of 68 countries and costs 35 USD. However, as with visa exemptions, the VoA has been temporarily canceled by the government due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Normally, this type of visa is valid for 30 days from the date of arrival and can be extended once (for another 30 days). To do so, you must go to an immigration office in Indonesia.

Visitor visa to Indonesia

In Indonesia, if you wish to renew your visa more than once, or if you do not reside in one of the countries eligible for a visa waiver or visa on arrival, you must apply for a visitor visa at the Indonesian embassy nearest to your country of residence before traveling.

In addition to your visa application, you will need to submit a letter of guarantee, a copy of your passport, your travel tickets, and a copy of your recent bank statements. The embassy official can also apply on your behalf to the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta.

The Indonesian visitor visa costs USD 50 and allows the holder to stay in the country for up to 60 days. It can then be extended five times by the immigration office, with each extension allowing the beneficiary to stay an additional 30 days.

Multiple Visit Visa to Indonesia

If you plan to travel to Indonesia often for family, business or official reasons, you can apply at the nearest Indonesian embassy for a multiple visit visa, which is valid for one year and allows you to stay for up to 60 days on each visit. You will be required to submit the same documents as the standard visitor visa, but your passport must be valid for at least 18 months. The fee for this visa is US$110.

Conditions for entry into Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Indonesian government has implemented a series of measures to control entry into the country and reduce the risk of Covid-19 contamination. The following conditions, updated in February 2022, are as follows and remain in force until further notice.

Anyone wishing to enter Indonesia is required to:

  • Produce a negative PCR test result performed at least 48 hours prior to arrival. You will need to print the document and keep it with you, and further tests will need to be performed during your stay.
  • Download a health application on their cell phone, PenduliLindungi, and complete an electronic health alert card (e-HAC) through this application.
  • Register their vaccination certificate on a government website. Their validated certificate will then appear on the PenduliLindungi app, and will allow them to access enclosed areas such as restaurants, bars, etc.
  • Prove that they have been vaccinated at least 14 days before entering the country. Vaccination is not required for people under 18 years of age, diplomats and health care workers.
  • Undergo a new PCR test upon arrival in Indonesia.
  • Stay in quarantine for 5 days in a quarantine hotel if vaccinated. The quarantine is seven days for non-vaccinated visitors. The government has posted a list of available quarantine hotels.
  • Undergo another PCR test one day before you leave the quarantine. If this test is negative, you will be free to move. If it is positive, you will be placed in isolation at your own expense in a hospital or one of the other quarantine sites provided for those affected by the virus.


If you are departing Indonesia on an international flight, you may be required to pay a Departure Tax. This will depend on the airport you are flying through, as some include this tax in the price of the ticket. As an indication, the departure tax for Bali is about 150,000 IDR, compared to 40,000 IDR for a domestic flight. It is therefore advisable to have enough money on you upon leaving the country, just in case.

Useful links:

Directorate General of Immigration

Indonesian Customs and Excises

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia Travel

List of 169 visa-exempt countries for Indonesia

The different types of visas for Indonesia

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.