Wondering how to move around in Abidjan? Find, in this article, all that you need to know on the Ivorian capital city's transport network.
By moving to Abidjan, you will probably have to more around, whether to go to work, shopping or sightseeing. You can thus choose from several means of transport, namely the bus, taxi, bush taxi, as well as the train. To travel to the other side of the city, you can also use the maritime route.
Note that the capital city's road transport network is managed by the Société des Transports Abidjanais (SOTRA). The bus network, for instance, extends to most towns in the region for some 200 to 500 CFA francs.
There are different types and classes of buses in Abidjan. Some of these are more rapid than the others and fares therefore vary.
The maritime way
Maritime means of transport are available for those who have to travel to the other side of Abidjan. Indeed, boat buses transport not only goods but passengers as well throughout the conglomeration, especially to Plateau, Treichville, Yopougon and Cocody Blockaus through the Ebrié lagoon. Transport services are provided by SOTRA and by private pinasses which are a common type of boat in Africa.
Rates are rather attractive, especially for professionals, ranging from 100 to 150 CFA francs per trip.
However, the maritime way can sometimes be risky as most operators tend to overload their boats while the lagoon remains quite tricky.
Orange in color, Abidjan's taxis can easily be distinguished. Most taxis in the capital city are equipped with a meter, unlike in the rest of the country. In case the taxi you have hired does not have a meter, make sure to negotiate the trip fare with the driver before getting started. In general, these range from 500 to 1,500 CFA francs.
Shared taxis are also available in Abidjan. However, these generally start only once they are full.
Abidjan has a single train network which extends till Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso.
Useful links
Expat.com ' Transports in Abidjan Forum
SOTRA www.sotra.ci
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