Living in Toulouse guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Toulouse.

Our selection of articles for expatriation in Toulouse

Getting around Toulouse

The greater Toulouse area covers around 120km² and is served by a comprehensive transportation network, which includes ...

Study in Toulouse

Toulouse attracts students from all over the world, but has a unique appeal for science students thanks to its reputation as a ...

Things to see and to do in Toulouse

Known as the capital of the Midi-Pyrénées region, Toulouse is the fourth biggest French city. It attracts many ...

Working in Toulouse

Toulouse - affectionately known as the Pink City thanks to its historic red-brick architecture - is the capital of Haute-Garonne ...

Accommodation in Toulouse

Located in Southwest France in the Midi-Pyrénées region, Toulouse is nicknamed “La Ville Rose” (The Pink ...

Toulouse public transport

In Toulouse, public transport is the easiest way to move around. Public transport is managed by Tisseo.

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