
A tired question I am sure...

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...but here goes...are there forum topic categories or is the organization simply flat but in chronological order ?

I'm sure this is a tiring question so pardon me if the answered is obvious and/or easily found.  I see specific categories but I'm really looking for one involving relationships and law.

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideMy Personal Experience with the Naturalization Process in the DRUS Social Security benefits verification letterResidency Medical Examination in Punta CanaResidency - updates and changes 2024
Type the subject in the box 'search the Dominican Republic forum' on the forum page and see if there is a recent topic to which you would like to add posts and ask questions.

You can try 'Relationships' and see what comes up....

Or start a new thread with your questions.

Hey thanks. Finding the correct search words or phrases is a hit and miss kind of approach but if that's all that's available, I'll trudge through it.
Lennox is right.  The search function isnt robust yet.  They are making improvements to the site and I know the search function is on the list!
You can search the whole DR site

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