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Can someone please explain why there are no hot Dominican green chillies available
here in the DR ?
We can buy them in Canada anytime. Just find it very strange. Is it a seasonal thing ?

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Jules Manning

LOL! They hate hot food that is a fact!


There are chilles grown in DR and naturally too.

I have plenty of the small very hot red variety growing all over my property and they are food to 'stolid fly catcher' birds and their droppings spread the red chilli plants everywhere. I pick and use these chillies when I cook Indian food and use them to make a piquant dribble for pizzas.

Less hot but piquante you have the small bell creola peppers and they are very common and can be found in most super markets.

Finding jalapeno peppers is possible and probably imported for large supermarkets, but as the above poster says, hot spices are not part of Dominican cuisine and so buy the imported and collect the seeds and plant them for your own supply.

Oscarsahony Sanchez

yes to the DR peopledon' t eat hot chillis.
i converted my wife to mexican in that regard lol

we made it last friday so we are spending this week until friday at resort, friday will settle im apt im santo domingo.
hope to see you soon
be safe


So when are you making them available to us?

No boasting allowed if you're not offering, that's hospitality 101!  ☺️


There is no boasting here. Whilst I would be happy to pass some on to members living in DR so they can grow a plant or two for their needs, I am not in the business of farming them nor exporting them to Angola :D


Thanks for the replies.
My wife and I love hot spicy food and my wife makes
wonderful curries, but we have been unable to find the chillies
which came as a surprise.


I used to buy chillies from time to time in Supermercado Lindo in Las Terrenas.


I see Scotch Bonnet hot peppers in the supermarkets (considered very hot) at Jumbo, Supermercados Nacional and at our the little italian grocery store on the corner in Bavaro. 

Scoville scale: 100,000–350,000 SHU  (thats how hot they are), too hot for Karin!


goinforit - I haven't looked for or seen green chilies, but if you're looking for heat, I've seen women selling the long, skinny, red peppers like you see in Chinese food at a stand on one of the cross streets in LT. Maybe the one that goes past Super Randy and EMB? Pola has habaneros in the refrigerated produce case - to the left side of the second aisle.


goinforit wrote:

Thanks for the replies.
My wife and I love hot spicy food and my wife makes
wonderful curries, but we have been unable to find the chillies
which came as a surprise.

I refer to the DR as "The Island that Spice forgot". 
I too was surprised at the dislike here for hot and spicy food.
The "hottest" some Dominicans will go is Chivo Picante, which is
about 2 out of 10 on may scale of "hot". 

Few Dominicans could eat my chip dip sauce that I make after I find some habaneros.
They would be screaming in pain.


It could be why any of the Thai or Indian places that tried to start up on the north coast quickly failed. Not enough of us that like hot and/or spicy food.  Some have tried and there is no such restaurant that survived. (I am not referring to take out, which still has some presence here.)

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