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Hi All,

Found this today... very interesting for us expats

Iplayer is going to be worldwide :):):):)


See also

Phones and internet in MaltaMobile phone plans in MaltaIpad pro not chargingHelp me to choose Android boxKodi/XBMC users

Hi Julien,

Yep... surely is???

Subscription model !

Archived product only !

Initially applet for iPad only !

Suspect something better may be just around the corner and coming very soon ;););)


Ahhhh .... i will take a look around that corner ;)


I found this interesting, so I mentioned it to an expat group back in the USA that I used to belong to when I was living there - and one of them recommended "Expat Shield" (, which I have since installed on my PC and so far it seems to be the bog's bollocks, so I thought I'd reciprocate and mention it here. He also uses it with and recommends but I haven't had a chance to try that out yet.



Hmmm. Having used it I've found Expat Shield takes over my browser (Chrome) a bit more than I am comfortable with (lots of ads, redirected google search to etc.). So I'm trying to find out if there are solutions to these (I've managed to block the ads already). Also the picture quality was a bit worse than on my VPN maybe not such a great solution after all...I will report back if I get any further with it.


jim IPTV

Apart from having to reboot my router every day, my system plays brilliant. I get BBC1 all morning for the news and ITV2 at night kids/wife like all the tallent shows and celbrity stuff. I signed up to Melita 50 and it is brilliant, better than my Virgin 50 in UK, I get 54 down and 3 up, enought up to run a live TV channel, brilliant. Drop in Hammersfan and see it, Jim


jim IPTV wrote:

Drop in Hammersfan and see it, Jim

Jim - I already have your system...but I need to give the boxes back to you, I sent you a PM but you didn't reply...when/where can I do that?



it does seem to work but as has been said already it does tend to take over both google chrome and internet explorer browsers.


...more about the BBC iPlayer app on the iPad launch

No Malta!



hammersfan wrote:

Hmmm. Having used it I've found Expat Shield takes over my browser (Chrome) a bit more than I am comfortable with (lots of ads, redirected google search to etc.). So I'm trying to find out if there are solutions to these (I've managed to block the ads already). Also the picture quality was a bit worse than on my VPN maybe not such a great solution after all...I will report back if I get any further with it.


I have to agree here it does take over the browser and slows the pc down rather a ot . i would avoid it completely. tried it and then removed it completely.


BBC report on IPTV (in France, but maybe it's the future everywhere):



I use and works pretty good.

jim IPTV

A few of these TV over web went down on Thursday/Friday last week including a big one with 3000 subscribers, if you were a customer let me know and I might be able to help, Due to the pressure I have added BBC Scotland to our line-up of channels, makes watching the BBC News in morning more interesting for us Scots, even if the local news is depressing. Any one who wants to drop in for a coffee and see it run PM me, we alway like visitors. Jim



can you add BBC South east ???

and are you in the south at anytime as i have spoken to them and can get you bottle sorted



Yes but they arent subsidised like the UK ones, plus you still wont get decent and reliable uk channel (bbc1 2 Itv ch4 or 5) reception without a 1.8 to 3m dish.....if its just sky you want then a dreambox clone and internet is the cheapest way to go....

SHS do sky+ boxes at Swieqi i think - you can get a sky+ box from a any number of suppliers onthe internet (skycardseu) and they're similarly priced 275 - 330euros these do include a UK subs card and maintenance for the first year then its 100 a yr.but you still have to poay the monthly subs direct to sky on top.

SHS also do a UKTV set top box about 60 euros for the box and abut 16 euros a month do an iptv set top box too for £179 then £15 a month and is said to be very good

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