
Canadian looking to get visa extended or citizenship

Cheekee B

I'm a retired Canadian citizen  , currently staying with my girlfriend in Medellin .... I have been here for 7 weeks now , having visited other times over past 2 years .... I want to live in Colombia , eventually get married , etc ....   looking to get citizenship , visa etc , so that I can get banking ,  etc .... thanks , Les

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Look at the taxes for 183 days or over, you will pay in both countries. I have a wife in Colombia, I never stay more than 180 days in a 365 day period. She has a bank card, no worries, just keep my money in the US.


Tread with care,  if you move everything to Colombia and she get's tired of you after a couple of months of marriage you may find it impossible to get them out without her permission.


Congrats on meeting your partner and making some significant life changes! I'm on that path as well (fingers crossed).

Like the user above me indicated, it's a good idea to NOT put all your eggs in one basket.

"Plan for Failure, Even As You Hope for Success"

Good luck!


Dear Cheekee,

Welcome to the Colombia forums of ...

One only has 13 weeks or 90 days from arrival on a tourist stamp .. before potentially losing the right to remain in Colombia.  You're more than halfway through that time so you need to figuratively get on your horse.  That goes double during The Situation.

If you're not among the five percent of Expats who have the Spanish and the savvy to do the visa thing on your own, you probably need to hire a top visa specialist .. or a top immigration law operation such as attorney Alan Gongora's (bilingual Harvard law graduate).


Loaferin's advice above about remaining outside Colombia half the year is a major issue for some Expats, insignificant for others.  I and the sage Osage have studied this issue and posted al respecto in this forum for years.  We can probably guide you if you tell us where your income comes from by percentage and country and the nature of the income (i.e. "earned" company-paid income, government benefits, inheritance, investments).



I was planning same thing. I am American here on a tourist visa already on my second extension but Colombia is relaxing the 180 day rule and giving even longer extensions. Keep all your receipts and records of what you spend here it will help you prove you are helping the local economy and they tend to give it to you. I can tell you if you came in on a tourist visa you will have to start the visa process all over again to file for retirement visa something I found out. You can’t switch from tourist visa to retirement visa. Get you a lawyer in Colombia to help you with it they are not expensive at all they can get you going in the right direction you need to go. I would take the advise of others in Colombia if you live with a woman for 2 years she becomes entitled to half you assets so be careful. If you married whatever you do don’t do it without a prenuptial


unlockmeinc wrote:

I am American here on a tourist visa already on my second extension but Colombia is relaxing the 180 day rule and giving even longer extensions. Keep all your receipts and records of what you spend here it will help you prove you are helping the local economy and they tend to give it to you.

Dear Unlockme,

This is the first we've heard about Inmigración relaxing the 180-day rule (maximum days allowed in Colombia out of 365 on a tourist permit).

I like the recommendation about keeping receipts to show your value to being in La República. :top:

However, 183-plus days in Colombia in any 12 month period may still subject the "tourist" to Colombia's worldwide taxing authority.



Yes they are giving extension over the 180 days I would have clarified and I apologize that they are for those who have shipped vehicles here to travel South America by land and due to Ecuador not opening its land border to Colombia the land travelers are basically stuck in limbo in Colombia waiting. As I am I shipped my motor home here from America. They’re extending TIP’s and tourist visas over the 180 days. They understand these people have vehicles here and can’t just leave. That’s why I said keep all your receipts I’m currently leasing a home and have been pass 5 months. It may be harder for people to get extensions pass the 180 days who can easily jump a flight out with no overlander vehicles here.


I believe the 183 days a year and double taxation only applies to US citizens.


Yes because Colombia and the US don’t have a tax agreement with each other. So you get hit by both on tax