Living in Ireland? needs you!

Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing well.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help the expat community in Ireland.

If you are interested in helping the other members in your spare time, answering their queries and sharing useful information on the forum on living in Ireland, we would be happy to have you on board of our Advisors Team.

Should you want to know more about this project, feel free to contact me answering directly in this thread or by private message.

Hope to hear from you soon :)


Priscilla Team

Happy to assist.

Hi Island Dweller,

I am getting in touch with you in private and will give you more details.


Priscilla Team  :cheers:

Hi nice to know you.

Did I miss a reply? Apologies if so

More than delighted to help.

Hi Priscilla - happy to help (****)

Moderated by Cheryl 2 years ago
Reason : For security reasons, do not post your contact details on the forum please.
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Hello, how are you? I moved to cork 2 weeks ago for work, i want to learn English language, i can help you in this situation.

Happy to help.



I am both a United States Citizen and a citizen of Ireland, at least I believe I am.  I have a Irish Passport as well as a U.S. Passport.  I usually travel on the U.S. one.  Both my parents were born in Ireland and emigrated to the U.S. in the 1930's  I had my birth registered in Dublin and applied for the Irish Passport.  I am now 78 years old.  I have wealth enough not to have to work or collect from the Irish Government.  I simply would like to spend the rest of my days in Ireland and maybe my ashes scattered somewhere in the sea off Cartharsevine, Kerry.    Sorry for spelling mistakes,

I never haard any more about this ie no reply... Such a pity

Hello Island Dweller,

Do you want to become an volunteer advisor ?

To become an advisor, we recommend that the member has atleast 40 - 50 posts on the forum where he has been helping members looking for information about Ireland.

I suggest that you continue posting to help our members. As soon as you reach 40 - 50 informative posts, we'll get back at you.

If you want to know more about the volunteer program, here are some details :

All the best


I was living in Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, and again in Irlenad

a lot has changed over the last 20 years.

What are the advantages / disadvantages of being an Advisor?


Hello, thank you for your post.

I'll leave it to an advisor to share some feedback with you in regards to the pro/cons of being an advisor.

