
Polish People in Romania

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Hi everyone!

Are there any Polish people reading this forum :)?

See also

Living in Romania: the expat guideAny Indians living in RomaniaHi, I hope everyone is doing quite well.Social life/housingAny foreigners in Craiova?

Hi NatalieK!

Welcome to :)



Hi/cześć :)
I'm Polish. Are you planing to go to Romania or you are already there?


If you know of any jobless Poles living in Bucharest (or want to move there) let me know. A friend of mine is looking to hire a Polish speaker.


Kingaaa wrote:

Hi/cześć :)
I'm Polish. Are you planing to go to Romania or you are already there?

Cześć :)

Dzięki, że odpisałaś :)Ja się dopiero do Rumunii wybieram, na studia do Konstanty. Nigdy tam wcześniej nie byłam. Aktualnie jestem na etapie poszukiwania mieszkania i ogólnie "rozpoznawania terenu" :)

A Ty mieszkasz już w Rumunii? Jeśli tak, to jakie wrażenia? Pozdrawiam!


wybieram się tam na praktyke do Bukaresztu, jakos na koniec sierpnia :) i tak samo jak Ty jestem na etapie poszukiwania mieszkania :D


Dear members,

In English please so that everyone can understand and participate :)

Thanks and regards



Planuje przeprowadzke do Bukaresztu na rok (poczatek pazdziernika).
Czy znacie jakies dobre i tanie agencje nieruchomosci/ namiary na mieszkanie?

Moj budzet to ok. 300 euro (mieszkanie 2-pokojowe?)



Armand wrote:

Dear members,

In English please so that everyone can understand and participate :)

Thanks and regards

Thank you.


@ Armand
Specific and particular things MUST be in the own language among people who understand each other BETTER !!!!! (message is not for me or you).
At least in International companies and also in networks as "couch-surfing" and "HC" the OPENNESS of an international atmosphere aloud members of same language to speak same language because the message and communication is among them not for me or for the CONTROLLER !


Hi Tsubodai!

I understand your point. Hopefully in the future we shall add other languages but for now we are trying to keep it in a way that everybody participates.


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