Living outside Belgium with RP


Need help.

I have Residence Permit for Belgium, due to some personal reasons I was out of the country for more than 6 months.Is there a clause where travel should be within 6 months ? I have not informed commune while travelling to India.

Thanks in advance.

You must immediately write to the commune. They would provide you Annex 18. Once you are back you need to re- register in the commune. I know the time period is 90 days since I had received the email from commune in March as I was out for almost 85 days.


indeed you should have told the commune BEFORE going out of Belgium for more months.

They can cancel your registration anytime soon as you've been out for too much time without informing them that you wanted to come back! (and you really don't want that to happen!!!)
So, you better contact them immediately!

You'll also have to explain, and give proofs at some point, why you were out for so long and if you keep interest in staying in Belgium.
Not doing it will result in your resident permit not being renew.

Last year i was out of Belgium for 122 days, during this period i was renting an apartment in Belgium and also paying taxes  / social security as i was working from home country for my Belgian employer.
I didn't informed town hall about by stay abroad now i am thinking if it will be bad for me to inform now as i should have done before leaving or just don't do any thing as i am still registered and my residence history form town hall shows living in same address since 2018.

Thank you for the reply. I have sent them a message and also filled the temporary absence form on the commune website. I hope there shouldn't be much problem. I have been away during the pandemic and also the Foreign service health team had sent me a email stating I can return (of course they don't know about me being away for more than 6 months) but advised against travel from a red zone country as much as possible.

I think being open about your situation to the relevant authority will only help you in strategising and planning you application in a relaxed and effective way.
You have been in the Belgian system for years, you have contributed to the system and that should stand you a good chance of going back in with no problems.
Especially, if your employer and employment is still active.
they may wanna contact your employer, if you are advised to re apply for entry. But tread carefully, so you don't mess up your the whole thing.
You can also call an immigration lawyer for quick consultation. That might be the quickest and safest bet for you actually.