I am famous!

Well, maybe within China, I am. Who would figure?

My third interview on CGTN television news was released.

The Interviews are, so far…

BRI and Xinjinag
The SPA Shooter
USA demands on China

As you can tell, I really do love China and I have strong opinions about it. There is a lot of things going on right now. These are my takes and opinions on the contentious issues.

Could you link to the spa shooter's racist comments, please.
All I can find is fake posts. That isn't to say he wasn't a pathetic racist twit, but I can only find material to suggest he's a non-racist pathetic twit, but with a thing about sex with Asians.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/local12.co … aaron-long

If these supposed posts are indeed fake, you may have been used as part of the propaganda war both sides are engaged in.

The rest is pure politics so I'm not going to bother with right and wrong even though I have a pretty good idea on who is upset, and why they're upset.
As usual - Cash.

Right - Busy for a few days to a week so I'll try to look for any answers in due course.