
Title Deeds Process?

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Hi - looking for a link to an article that explains the various stages involved in a residential property purchase that are required to get full ownership with full title deeds

The various stages and warrants/permissions/permits/land deeds etc.


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Real estate listingsBuying property in CyprusAccommodation in CyprusAccommodation in NicosiaProperty scam Cyprus, have we lost our property !

Found this in my library of might help … heading-10

Having just gone through the process with some friends who relocated here end of october they finalised their house purchase end of december complete with deeds....

Get a good surveyor.. (Renos Petros is very good)
Get a good lawyer..(Andreas Demetriades is superb)

Find your property
Make the offer and negotiate the price and what is to be included. Have all this written down
Arrange with the sellers for the Surveyor to call and complete the survey. The surveyor and the buyer should ensure that the deeds are held by the seller.
Make sure you see them, get a copy if you can, You should get the survey report within a few days
Once you are happy with the report, discuss any issues that may arise and need clarification or rectification - renegotiate if necessary and then confirm the offer and its acceptance with the sellers. Then inform your Lawyer, the sellers will inform theirs,
The sellers lawyer will draft the offer and acceptance and prepare the documentation for the initial deposit (€1000 minimum but could be up to €5000 to show commitment to buy)  this normally gets sent to your lawyer make sure it gets passed to you asap.... as it needs to be to be paid asap to reserve the property and possibly remove from the market (dont delay as its always possible that someone else is interested and may up the price) and it should confirm details of the interim payment to be paid within the next 30 days and the final payment on contract completion. Make sure that your lawyer keeps you informed of ALL communications between you, him and the seller and their lawyers.

Once the initial deposit is paid you are tied into the contract - but ensure it is subject to searches should anything be found in searches so giving you an escape route if something nasty is exposed in searches

Once the searches are cleared, your lawyer will open a client account for the deposit of your funding be prepared for questions on source of funds and be ready with evidence which may includes tax returns. This can take some time to clear, depending on complexity of funds

Once that is done within the next few weeks the lawyers will do their stuff  ie ensure that the sellers tax returns are cleared and anything outstanding is cleared etc The lawyers will meet and complete the transfer of funds and contract exchange .... you will go to the land registry with the lawyer to ensure the titles deeds are transferred to your name and you will pay the transfer fees and stamp duties.
You need to arrange for the reading of meters for electricity and water and you or your lawyer can arrange for these to be transferred to you and pay the required deposits for utilities these differ per municipality) usually after completion of contract and within 7 days of the transfer taking place.

Thats as much as i can remember. If  there are any further questions I will ask for you and if necessary confirm the order of things

Hope this is of some help


Thanks Toon - all useful info.

Trying to get a grasp of the key things to ask about to try to avoid needless lawyer work on multiple properties



just be very careful in
*your choice of lawyers, some arent currently licenced to practice - make sure they have renewed their licence-ask to see their current licence
*ensuring you physically see title deeds,
*clearly defining a timescale required for completion
*keeping communications going
*ensuring all comms are relayed immediately
*not getting caught up in a bidding war
*getting a written list of what is and is not included in the purchase
*ensuring what is being sold actually belongs to the seller
*being able to prove your source of funds


Just to add, don't share the same lawyer with the seller.

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