Obligations of Landlord and Tenant

The tenant is obliged to pay rent and the owner to make repairs

A lease, like any other contract, contains the contractual rights and obligations for landlords and tenants.

In statutory tenancies, social policy directed towards the protection of statutory tenants imposes the necessity of regulating statutorily specific obligations owed by landlords to tenants, as well as some of their rights which do not affect the status of the tenant, but relate to the possession of the premises.

The Rent Control Law provides for the creation of a chose of action in favour of the tenant, in the event that a landlord fails to fulfill their obligation of keeping the premises in condition. The right of the tenant is limited to claiming from the owner the fulfillment of their obligations provided by law, given the right to bring an action against them before the court. Nevertheless, the tenant is in no circumstances released from the obligation to pay the rent.

According to the law, as long as a tenant is in possession of the premises, either a house or a shop, and provided they fulfill the terms and conditions of the last tenancy agreement, they have the right to enjoy the benefits of the tenancy.

These terms of statutory tenancy are stated in the Rent Control Law, L. 23/1983, article 27.

The sub-tenant who becomes statutory also has this right, subject to additionally of any existing restrictive agreements contained in the rental agreement between the owner and the tenant.

The tenant is entitled to quit possession of the property, only after giving notice to the owner, as provided for in the rental agreement and in the event that such notice is not required, only after a written notice, at least one month before, unless the landlord and tenant agree otherwise.

It is also provided in the provisions of article 27 of the Law, that if there is no tenancy agreement or in the absence of any provisions in the tenancy agreement to the contrary, the landlord is obliged to repair any latent defects in the premises, the watertightness of the roof, the electrical, plumbing and drainage installations, as well as any natural wear and tear that endangers the life of the tenant or their neighbours.

On the other hand, the tenant is obliged to protect the property from damages that may be caused by them, any other person living in the premises or any guests, having the obligation to repair them without delay. Furthermore, the tenant is obliged to allow the landlord to inspect the premises at reasonable intervals and with a reasonable notice.

For the fulfilment of the aforementioned obligations of the landlord, the tenant may notify them of the necessary repairs or maintenance and the landlord is obliged to perform them without delay. The same applies for the tenant and their obligations. Failure to perform the obligations for repairs or maintenance of the premises creates an actionable right.

It is also provided that in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the tenant is obliged to pay communal expenses, including any minor expenses for the maintenance of the communal areas of the building, but excluding serious expenses for maintenance, alteration or replacements.

The tenant is obliged to allow the landlord to make reasonable repairs, renovations and alterations to improve the condition and appearance of the premises.

Failure of the landlord to carry out repairs does not constitute a defence in an application by the landlord for the eviction of the tenant for not paying the rent. Whether or not a tenant exercises their right against the landlord is independent of the obligation to pay the rent.

In the event that the tenant chooses to refuse to pay the rent in arrears and the landlord serves a notice for payment within 21 days, and the tenant continues to refuse to pay after 14 days from the lapse of the deadline for payment, then the tenant is legally exposed, an order of eviction will be issued and they will be ordered to pay the rent in arrears too. No court will tolerate a tenant choosing not to pay rent instead of exercising their rights against the landlord. In any event, the law does not allow it.


https://cyprus-mail.com/2023/08/07/obli … 1691401748

With thanks to George Coucounis a lawyer specialising in the Immovable Property Law, based in Larnaca, e-mail coucounis.law@cytanet.com.cy, www.coucounislaw.com

I think this only applies to the Greek side?  I have had a squatter in my property for more than a year.  I have had the lawyer put an eviction notice on the door.  Still wont leave.  I am in the process of getting the property title moved from my mother name into mine, and I still need a US letter from the police stating that I am in good standing.  Where is the justice?

It is for the Greek side... I don't know what the law says about it in TRNC

You luck.  I hope everything turns out well.


I just left my apartment in Cyprus because I had to leave before contract expired. There was no clause that I could   leave before time. Anyhow, the landlord did not react to my 2 requests for something to be fixed. My bed and shower. He never answered for 3 weeks and after letting him know 2 times the last 2 months that I had to leave before contract. Now he threats me with all kind of things. Am I allowed to leave when he did not fulfill his duties?


There is very little he can do, if he goes to court it will cost him a small fortune and take years, what type of threats is he making, if he he threatening you with violence, I would tell him he needs to stop or you will go to the police.

He should be happy you left and did not simply stop paying the rent and stayed put, he can rent it again so will not be too much out of pocket.

He is threatening me about reporting me to the government and police so I can't enter Cyprus, because he thinks I owe him 375 euro

But he has my 1300 euro(2months) deposit so should be more than enough

Is your contract a legal one witnessed by two people and tax stamped.... Is your landlord declaring his rental income to the taxman does the property comply with safety regulation does it have energy efficiency certification ...just a few things to check.

I will just leave it . He can be angry but he still has my deposit and he did not fulfill his duties as landlord after several requests so anyway. But thanks