
Hello Catrachos!

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Hi Everyone!

I just joined this site to meet some friendly expats adopting to Honduran life or loving all things Honduran. I have been dating my Honduran boyfriend for 4 years, and we are looking to split our homes between Tegucigalpa and Los Angeles. If all goes to plan, I will be in Honduras for a couple months at a time throughout the year. I would love to meet some new cronies!

I have lots of questions that I will be posting-but my first is some advice about bringing my American family to Honduras for the first time in November. We will fly into Tegucigalpa and stay with my boyfriend's family. Any cool activities anyone recommends in the city or surrounding cities? We will be driving to La Ceiba as well, but I am trying to figure out what to do in Tegus or within a reasonable drive from Tegus.

Thanks everyone and looking forward to being a part of this community!


See also

Living in Honduras: the expat guideThe best things to discover in HondurasFree and low-cost leisure activities in HondurasCarnavalThings to do in Honduras during the weekends

Hi Courtney!

Welcome to

I hope that other members will be able to help you soon.

Good luck,


Hey Courtney,

Sorry this is a late response, I haven't logged on in awhile. I currently live in Honduras (about 45 minutes outside of Tegus). My parents just came to visit in May and we went to Valle de Angeles to do some shopping. On the way to Valle there is Santa Lucia, a cute little town that's good to stop and have some coffee and walk around. I have also heard that there are some good museums in Tegus, although I haven't been to any yet. Good luck!


Articles to help you in your expat project in Honduras

All of Honduras's guide articles