Hotels and guides

Hi,  Can anyone recommend a small hotel for a 2 week stay? I would like budget accommodations, something around 18 to 20 US$ per day.  I would also like to hire a guide/interpreter for a couple of hours a day, I would prefer to spend the money on a guide rather than a luxury hotel.

Hi Larry,

Reading your other post I understand where you come from.
You worry too much, and are trying to plan ahead things that do not need any planning ahead. But if that's you, then me saying you don't need to plan your hotel booking ahead will not work for you, so what to do..?

First of all a decent budget hotel in Kathmandu would set you back US$ 10 to 15 at most. US$ 20 is already an upscale hotel.

Hotels in Kathmandu are notoriously bad in taking advance bookings. They will say they take your reservation, but most have no reservations book. So when you arrive they will have a room only if it happens to be available (90% of the time) but they will sell their last room if they can and never know about your reservation.

If you want to be sure of any pre-booked reservation, then you will have to book an upscale hotel room, and expect to pay cheap to regular western rates.

On the other hand, booking ahead is really not necessary. From the airport you take a taxi to the Thamel area (30 - 45 minutes drive, about US$ 7 or NPR 500). Have yourself dropped of at the 'Kathmandu Guest House' squad in the middle of Thamel and they will have a room for you, whether you have a reservation or not.
(and have nobody tell you it's closed or out of business, for it's not - an old trick where people would like to guide you towards a hotel where they get better commisions).

Probably just outside the airport at the taxi stand there will be people waiting, waiving around signboards with 'Kathmandu Guest House' on it. Talk to them and get a free ride to the hotel. This is a rather upscale place, so expect to pay about US$ 50,= or even more for the first night here. Next day you walk around the Thamel area, and find yourself a less expensive room for the longer stay.
In the Thamel area you can find at least 250 cheap hotels (if not more), and al least 10 upscale hotels and many in between.

Don't worry, it's easy..!

Take care,


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you can message me if u like to i m not a professional guide but i guess i  will be free this month....

hi friend,
welcome to nepal. iam tek from kathmandu my profession is tour and trekking guide. if you need help plz mail me .

Hi Tek,
  Thank You for writing me, I have had to change my plans; so, I will be coming to Nepal in March, most likely, if you are still interested then let me know and we can make arrangements.

Hello in Nepal,
I am planning to visit Khatmandu in Jan. 2014.  After reading the above posts, it seems there is no need to book a Hotel.
I am coming with a friend and we would need a City Tour. .. Any response would be appreciated ...Thanks..

Hi, Firoz
Namaste and greeting from here. It is nice to hear that you are coming this wonderful land. Yes off course this time frame you don't need pre booking hotel because that time will be off season and winter.
Nepal has many different things to offer for tour and sightseeing. The natural beauty and Himalayan views, the culture and traditions, the historical monuments, art and architecture, Hindu temples and Buddhist stupa and monasteries, its people and rites, myths and mysteries which are a part of the daily life of the people of Nepal. Kathmandu is the main point for most visitors who come by air. Mountains surround the valley and it is divided into the three major cities. Which are Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. These were once three different kingdoms and to this day they retain their own rich artistic styles and traditions. Out of the valley there are also many other beautiful unexplored destinations and sightseeing points are available for several of them. Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini, Manakamana, Gorkha, Nuwakot, Nagarkot, Dhulikhel and many more...
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