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Ossama Nour

Hi, everybody. it's me Ossama Nour the dramatist who recently joined your nice forum. Best wishes for you all and let me be one of you.
Can anybody tell me how can I move from Egypt to CPh. legally?
reply me on the forum or on my yahoo email:

by the way, I feel it is very nice to be in your community.

regards for all

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Living in Copenhagen: the expat guideIndians in DenmarkContacts for English-speaking teen in/around Roskilde/Copenhagenwish to make new friendsWant to be friends with a Dane?

Hi Ossama Nour and welcome to! :)

Your discussion has been moved to the Copenhagen forum for better visibility.

I hope that other members will help you soon.

All the best,

Ossama Nour

Thanks, Harmoine. New comers always need help.


Hi and welcome.
First of all I would like to say that the expanses here, including, rent, food, taxi, ... etc are at least 200 times more than Egypt. If you are very rich and still like to come to CPH, please contact me


vinjad > is that a joke ?


No. I was serious.

Ossama Nour

Look, vinjad. cost of life is really high in CPH but do not forget, salaries are as high as life level, or how do people in cph live? Yes I still wish to come to CPH, despite being not so rich like you suppose.
the best


Ok, then you need to have a University degree, a bank statement, and some more documents. you can email or call me if u needed more help


Anyone who wish to move to DK, please read this first

Don't be naive, there's no such thing as free lunch.
You need a job first before moving to Denmark. There's this green card system but most green card holders end up doing cleaning job because nobody will want to hire foreigners who can't speak Danish.


Thanks for the info lost_in_scandinavia!


Ossama Nour

Yes, I am a holder of two university degrees: faculty of commerce and English literature. in addition to a diploma of a preliminary year for the Master's degree in English literature. I am a famous dramatist in Egypt, all the theater-makers know me, I have two TV. series one of them will be broadcast during the soon coming Ramadan on about 12 satellite channels. I have a Bank account with not-bad sum of money. Besides, I won many prizes in drama writing all over the Arabian world, the last one is called (Sawirus Pirze in drama writing which was (100,000 L.E.). Do you think I have the chance to immigrate to DK?


Don't you understand that it doesn't matter?

I have a friend who has Danish university engineering master's degree and still work as newspaper boy, that's because he's dark skinned and got foreign name. I hate to break the news but there are a lot of Danish citizens who were born here and speak fluent Danish can't get a job because their names are Muhammad, or Ali or whatever. So you could imagine how would they think about a foreigner who has no Danish fluency, has foreign degree.

I know a lot of engineers and doctors from middle-eastern countries who drive taxis and do cleaning jobs. If you still want to try to move here, be my guess - it's your life not mine, but don't say I didn't warn you

If you don't believe me read these threads from Indian in DK forum, I know you're not Indian but you will experience the same … =5&id=4042 … d=1&id=575

Ossama Nour

Many thanks for your warm advice, I felt the real and sincere tone of your words and I promise you to re-thing of the whole matter. my email is and it will be my pleasure to receive emails from you.

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