
Canadian moving to Malta in July 2009

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Good day friends
my name is Lisa and the reason for my presence & post today is to find some individuals that can assist me in what I need to know before we move.

My finacee and I are moving to Malta this year and I have a child who is 8. 

I am having so much trouble finding information about the education in Malta; the schools that would be best for him.  We only speak english.  I worry about him adapting and adjusting to our new life and want him to have ease in finding other children his age to become friends.  Are there schools in Malta that would accomodate someone of his background?

When does the school year start and finish in Malta?  I ask as I want my son to finish up grade 2 here in Canada and begin grade 3 overseas.  Is it called greade 3? 

We are going in March to buy our home and I hope to register my son for school while we are there for 2 weeks.  I would like to be able to get as much paperwork completed before we go over to buy our first home.

I sincerely look forward to hearing from someone, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to assist us.

Much Love & Peace

See also

Study in MaltaEducation in MaltaLearn English in MaltaSecondary schools maltaSchools
Jo Ann

Hello Lisa, welcome !
I don't know much about Malta and hope someone might help you.
But normally, the school year goes from september to june in Europe. And many people (specially youngsters) go to Malta to learn English although the locals might talk Maltese in a day to day basis.
I hope you find the answers you're looking for :-)


Jo Ann
I thank you for taking time to read and respond to my post.  Simply letting me know of the educational fiscal year in Europe  as well as information that people come to Malta to learn english was a big help, thank you again. 

This is going to be a really big change for all of this and will do anything to make this transformation comfortable for my son... 

If its ok to ask; Do you currently live in Europe?

I appreciate your time Jo Ann

Love & Peace

Jo Ann

Not a problem Lisa :-)
Why are you going to Malta by the way ?

Yes, I've been living in France for a few years. I love it here :-)


Good Day Jo Ann
Sorry on the delay; so busy these days.  We have decided to move to Malta for a few reasons.  The main is it will be so much closer for my fiancee companies.  He has companies in Lybia, Yemen, Dubai and south africa.  These days when he leaves he is gone for almost a month, but by living in Malta he will be able to do day-trips, and some will be able to come to Malta for meetings. 

It really is a blessing I can't neglect; I have lived in Canada my whole life and feel idle here now, my motivation/inspiration is slowing down.  People here in Canada have really changed; no one seems happy anymore.  It is starting to resemble the USA in terms of the economy; everyone is scared.  I personally have been laid off 2x in 2008. 

wow, france, what brought you there Jo Ann?  I can only imagine what living in a place like that has done for your soul. 

Thank you Again for our communication

Love & Peace

Jo Ann

Very good choice ! I don't know how Malta is on a daily basis but you will have some wonderful sceneries ! I've been willing to go to Malta for ages !

Well, I came to France because it was a little girl's dream, to live in France after I turned 18 ! I grew up between Cuba, Angola and Portugal, and always had a French education. So when I was 19, I landed here. Never been happier. I have always been kind of a gypsy and always thought I'd think of living somewhere else, but I think that I found home for once and I'm 26 ! This is the first time I loved a place so much I didn't want to leave, not even to go back to my homecountry (Angola) unless it is for the holidays :-)



This is the first time I´m in this forum, so I dont know how it´s working yet...but I´ll try:)

My husband, me and our 4 year old son are planning to move to Malta in the end of this year. The headquarter of  my husbands work are situated in Sliema, Malta, and he travels there a lot (but lives in Norway). The reason why we are planning to move now is because I¨m pregnant, and that mean that I will get a year off from work after having birth to my next child.(Norwegian rules when having a child is 12 month off with 80% of sallery). So this is a great opportunity for us to get to know Malta (I have been there once and I loved it).

But off course, my biggest worry are my 4 year old son. I wondering how´s the kindergarden or pre scool is working. We need to send him to an int. school, where he can learn english. He doesnt know english now, but i think children in his age are quick learner! But off course, he´s well being  is the reason for that i need to do much pre serach on Malta in an early stage....We will go to Malta in april or may (before I turn too big...) and do some research.

Do some of you know about the school system for small children? (or know a web site i can search for info)




My name is Laryck and I have been living in Malta for more than two years. I am a french expatriate and I have got a web site on
I have a blog in french you might look into it if you can catch some words in french.
I strongly advise you to register at Chiswick School[] which is a very well known establishment in Malta. The education is entirely provided in english. After Kindergarten 2 pupils are introduced to maltese language though courses are in english.You should not worry too much for your children as the level of education is good and teachers very well trained.
The cost of tuition is around 500€ per quarter with a fixed registration fee of 400€ per annum.
You may also go for a free school but I do not advise it as there is a huge difference in the quality of the staff.
I hope you will benefit from my advise and feel free to leave a message on my blog "vie a malte" (I studied many years ago in USA). Best Regards.


Thank you! Good information which i really need now!

I will look at your page. I actually do understand a little french after an au pair job there 12 years ago:)



Hi Ardell
You don't have to worry about the English language schools in Malta, as there are plenty of them, and good ones too. English is the second official language in Malta, and even though you will hear a lot of Maltese on the streets, rest assured that everybody knows English.


Dear All,

I have just entered this forum and read your posts.

I work in Real Estate in Malta and i am sure that i can help each one of you to look for your right home here. Also i can give you suggestions for schools so that your children will get the right education needed.



hi lisa i`m from malta  add me if u need any help for malta

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