Nigerian wanting to relocate to Poland

Am a Nigerian, I've read so much about Poland and will like to relocate to Poland, please who can help me on how to go about it.

Hello Oluwafeyi and welcome to ;)

If you want information about Poland, I would advise you to read our Living in Poland guide !

It will give you tons of useful advice ;)

Also, I created a topic on the Poland Forum so you would have more specific answers to your question.


Loïc team

If you're looking for a proper city, don't chose Warsaw, it's too pricy. In my opinion the best places to relocate are Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw or Katowice.

I would suggest relocating somewhere else unless you are able to speak adequate Polish.

I live in Poland what do u want to kno

I'm Tommy from Nigeria. I'll love to relocate to Poland but i need to know what i suppose to know before taking this step. Though, i am planning to  go through study


Go to 'Discover' at the top of this page then click on the Poland Guide. At the bottom of this page there are sections there regarding visas and other information. Plenty of to be found there.
Also take the time to read other posts on the forum here too.