
COVID-19 and expatriation in Saudi Arabia


Hello everybody,

The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Saudi Arabia, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation or expatriation project in Saudi Arabia.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
If you are already settled in Saudi Arabia, do you plan to return to your home country?

How are you living through such an uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Have any of you ended your expatriation in Saudi Arabia unexpectedly?

Paradoxically, has this crisis brought you closer to some people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are doing well.


See also

Moving to Saudi Arabia with your petRelocating to Saudi ArabiaF.A Graphic DesignMOH NURSE MUTUAL TRANSFERMosadaqa services

Alhamdulillah, I am good with my family at Saudi Arabia. Inshallah all will be good as soon.
I wish you all well.


Im continue working completing 4 months alone without my family. I hope next month they will open the airport to be able for me bring them. =/. I dont know how many time I cant hold here alone without my kids.


Strange times indeed! First off I’d like to say that I’m happier to be here than in London at this time. The way that this crisis has been handled here in Saudi Arabia, without the panic and fear mongering has really helped put my fears to rest. The leadership has gone to great lengths to reassure the public, the fact that free treatment for ALL even illegals should you succumb to the virus is also reassuring.

Swift action to close Masjids, schools, stopping inbound flights and imposing the curfews really will help to flatten the curve in’shaa’Allah. The virus is like no other we’ve dealt with in recent times as it’s transmission is like wild fire. Despite measures cases are up, but again this is not due to the lack of efforts by the kingdom, it’s the nature of this virus. I’m sad that family in London weren’t given the reassurance you’d expect in these uncertain times, hearing that you’d lose loved ones hardly instills confidence. The panic in supermarkets over there had me worried that maybe we’d face a similar situation, but alhamdulillah there was nothing like that. Supermarkets are well stocked and the level of hygiene and precaution is also good to see. All in all I think I can’t complain about being stuck in my house here, I dread to think how we would’ve coped in the smaller spaces London accommodation would’ve offered, at least here we have space to move around and change scene within the house!

Yes I’m still anxious but that’s human nature, we’re facing something new, something uncertain and unpredictable. But as of now, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be in the given situation. Praying for Allah to send down the cure, rectify and alleviate the situation and bring back normality back into the world-

Stay safe people! Stay home! In’shaa’Allah this will all be over soon, we just have to be patient. I pray our families the world over stay safe and protected too in’shaa’Allah.


I totally agree with you. I feel much safer here than anywhere else. Amen to all your prayers!


Alhumdulillah for everything. I am feeling safe in Saudi Arabia due immense precautionary measures being taken by the government. No need to worry about Panic buying . Every supermarket is plenty of almost all food items. Ministry of Health , Army,local police are doing “well done” job during these  difficult times .
        I too gone through Covid19 swab test( due to recent travel record),Alhumdulillah got negative. Ministries way of cooperation is excellent, Mashallah .
        “Work from home “teaching us many things like How to maintain time, How to coordinate with other colleagues when we are away from office.
      King Salman’s decision to Implement Curfew in almost all cities, is a wonderful measure to stop spreading virus. We should be respect the decision and keep maintaining social distance.
King’s one more decision i.e free medical checkups for both legal and illegal residents also will help to stop spreading virus.
         I hope this Covid-19 pandemic will be under controlled soon, Flights will be operational and we will see the normal life again. All Masajid will be reopen.  In’Sha’Allah

         Missing “Family” back home. We suppose to be with them  , specially in this difficult times. But this is Allah’s decision. I pray to  Allah For his mercy on Us.

Everyone,Keep safe.😊😊


Yes, VERY thankful to be here in KSA with my husbands family and not in the States (American), or my other home in Turkey. I feel they have managed this situation incredibly well, and continue to do so. I feel incredibly safe, at ease (not the panic my family and friends are expressing in the states), and relieved that the Kingdom is offering free treatment to all citizens, residents (illegal or not). Where can you find that level of compassion in a pandemic?  Could you see the Trump Administration flipping the bill for asylum seeking Hispanics? Or even regular citizens? 😏  It’s incredibly uncertain times we are in....and I just try and take deep breaths and appreciate whatever I can at this point. Stay safe everyone!


I am planning to comeback to Saudi Arabia


for now i do not have plan to come back in my home country.we are taking go0d care of our company even though we are still going to work for half day..

Majid niaz

Hello all.
I am living in Khobar and there is curfew 24 hours but relaxation from 6 am to 3 pm. I attend my work in these time.
But now life style is completely changed. My sleeping time is not as it was before.
Also I am little bit worried for my future plan as this situation has future consequences at economy and it will be not normal as it is looking. Every one has plan for future so I had too but apparently it is looking if this continues one month more it is going to effect and hammered everything.
It has psychological affect too.
Let's pray and hope for the best


You must also know that prayer avails much.

The virus rakes time to eradicat if there is no vaccine.  It can take 1 year to years continuously affecting the community.  Just take care wash your hands.


I'm based in Jouf, and hail from India. Alas, things there aren't handled so well, so I'll say I'm glad I'm not back home at the moment.

Of course, if things continue this way, it's likely that private firms won't be able to hold on to employees, and we may start seeing layoffs. That would mean having to go back home, which isn't too appealing to me.

One thing that has changed is my holiday plans; I'd initially intended to take my leave in the coming months, but I don't think that's going to happen now, at least not for a while.

As for keeping in touch with family and friends elsewhere, I've mostly being doing this online, so nothing's really changed there.

There's definitely a psychological impact, given the uncertainty of the future, and our fate as expats here. As for planning, while I can't say I've prepared for the worst, I am hoping for the best.


We are settled here.we are safe and fine husband  is working in wipro and i run oreo pet house which is petboarding  for cats,dogs,rabitts,birds etc.i have ine son studying here.