
Rebuilding the destroyed Pier on property i bought: how to go about it

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A few years ago i purchased a beautiful home/beach property with a Boardwalk, sliver of beach, pool and Pier (previous owner went so far as to build a cement boat ramp...have no idea how they did that but thought that was cool bonus).

The Pier "posts" still stand although the walking plank of the pier is gone (thanks Hurricane Maria) and some of the pilings are bent...  How do i go about rebuilding the existing Pier back to it's old functions.... i know this is a touchy project as Piers are taboo...but i bought the property in part because It had it's own pier.  I'm in New York permanently and having tough time finding proper information... my family who live their all their life says, just recap the existing Pilings (Bigger pvc form driven over each column...suck water out..., rebar and pour cement, then add planks)... but they say to do "clandestine", one by one... I'm not about that life (of course, unless the corrupt gov want too much to grease the wheels) and would like the final word if possible.

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I could be wrong, but it is my understanding that you need permits from DNR PR equivalent (DRN - Departamento de recursos naturales) you also need it for other items like cutting a tree.

Doing it under the table, can cost you tens of thousands in fines and may also end up being taken down at your expense also.

Coast line is a very sensitive issue and all beaches are public and you are required to provide access, any complain and DRN is up your you know what.

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