
Organic products in Turkey


Hello everyone,

As a consumer in Turkey, you may seek to maintain a healthy lifestyle by choosing mostly organic products. If you do favour such products, we would like to know more about your consumption habits.

Is it easy to find organic products in Turkey (cosmetics, food, etc.)? Where can we find them?

Are organic products more or less expensive than in your country of origin? What average monthly budget do you spend on them?

Can we rely on labels on organic products in Turkey? Are the origins of the products verified by an organization?

Are organic products part of Turkish culture? Have you ever tried to make your own organic products (candles, toothpaste, gardening, food)?

In your opinion, is the consumption of organic products only a fad or does it have real benefits on one’s health?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


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Hope you doing well
Actually ya it’s available depends in which city and area you stay


Organic products of all kinds are available in Turkey. Buying them from trusted sources is important as you can never know that all of them really are organic. Especially when it comes to food items. Carrefour has many organic products. Many pharmacies will have health supplements and organic/natural shampoo etc. Specialty stores are available with imported and local organic products, such as organic muesli from Germany, herbs, spices, health supplements, beauty products of all kinds. You just have to take the time to find the stores of choice. … lWbjJHOUdR


I should have added that many Turks are health-conscious these days so I don't believe it is a fad, and yes, I believe very strongly in the importance of avoiding pesticides, which has unfortunately invaded Turkey as well. (I used to be able to trust all food grown in Turkey as organic. Now maybe half.)  I don't know that there is an organization verifying what is organic, like I said, find good sources. I have never made or grown organics myself. I have not found organic potting soil.