
Contracts (apartment, house)

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My first - Im gonna rent excitement was cooled of by contract - in Spanish. So I had it translated and I didn't stoped to wonder. For 6 months of renting wonderful house with few nice chips, and extra venting openings I would be responsible for fixing roof, piping, painting facade.... I think I could bet my money that place (judging just from outside, no need to continue in inspection) wasn't rented for a while. But I would definitely love to add lil spare change to build some addition, pool, maybe even garage in exchange for luxury to have an opportunity to rent it for a bit longer.

Contract with expiration date. ...
You might be told that you need to let landlord know one month ahead of your intention to stay. Otherwise - you are done last day of the contract.
So you will follow contract, to be told that they will gave no problem letting you stay without contract. Or they might tell you they will renew the contract....just to drag the actual contract signing (that itself is sign that something shady is brewing. You know they will rush you to sign...and then suddenly that con calma, tranquillo..when you should sign new contract). till last day or soon before last tell you price changed. There you are in place with expiring contract...with not much time to do anything. Or... you can overstay live off your deposit...but you know the unplesentaries. Process itself (of eviction) takes a while from what I heard.

No contract - self explanatory - no rights, so you can be kicked out any given moment. Of course they tell you that you have to give them one month notice period. And you can speculate of no contracts Idk 🤷

Pls just beware the deposit can be issue in any way...

I am sure I didn't exhausted all the things one needs to be prepared for. But def....have the spanish contract translated to spare yourself late and expensive surprise.

And of course I understand there are some difficult renters where this legal tools or lack of them can be justifiable.

See also

Real estate listingsRenting in Puerto RicoPurchasing property in Puerto RicoWhy realtors may not call you backPrefab homes

You can negotiate changes to the contract or walk away from the deal.


Thats undersood, and I really appreciate your input. But my reason to write about those occurrences isn't that Im unaware I can walk out from it (which trust me thats exactly what I do when someone thinks their shadiness is acceptable) why I am sharing the experiences I went through is - so people are aware what can happen to them here, and they will be cautious, avoiding any less than optimal conditions. Im not discussing pricing, the fact that many of those places aren't by code because no one ever inspected them, or that electrical extension line goes underneath dropping sink supplying all appliances. ( I just realized, I should maybe write about those not so rare occurrences in another topic)
I wasn't to elaborate on miniscule property taxes (ppl wouldn't believe how little yearly property tax can be - depending on location), yet attempts to charge same price as the large american cities downtown luxurious apartment - that really is one of negotiable things.
The reasoning of landlord that window AC unit doesn't work since Maria and he/she won't fix it cuz he/she doesn't have a money for it from that American price charged apartment is just hillarious joke and Americans who agree to it - I myself can't hear complain about not having an AC (you agree to be ripped like a goose and having non-functional AC window unit two years after Maria - I mean that's really funny to me).

Being in position when landlord thinks they can squeeze an extra cash out of you by promising contract with Hollywood like sweet performances just to drop a bomb at you 3 days before expiration - that doesn't leave you much space for negotiation.
But I take your well intended comment.
To me it gave me element of surprise as Im not here first week and Im aware of shadiness, so in the moment when contract will be Monday, then Tuesday, then end if the week - I didn't waste time but start looking for different place where I expect to discover new levels of shadiness. Let be open and honest for change ;)

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