If the law in Mauritius will put my puppy in Quarantine?

Hi ! Everyone
I'm elza
I'm from Mauritius but live in Germany for 12 years
My question is I have a mini chihuahua 5 months old
And we're planning me and my family to go to Mauritius for 3 weeks . My baby chihuahua make all the vaccinations and I want to ask if someone know if I'm flying with my puppy if the law in Mauritius will  put my puppy in Quarantine?  I have her European passport and medical certificates everything is ok .


Yes, your puppy will be quarantined either for a minimum of 5 days or a minimum of one month depending on where the animal is coming from. Not sure in which time frame Germany falls into.

That said, given that this is a rather long and complicated process, I would recommend you decide carefully if it's worth it bringing the dog here for only 3 weeks.

Before you can import your puppy, you will need to get an import permit. See here for more information: http://agriculture.govmu.org/English//D … 202017.PDF

As mentioned in the link above you should apply for a permit 3 to 6 month before traveling. Once you get your import permit, it will list all the documentation you have to provide and the timeline to get it done. The import permit alone is not enough to get your pet in.

Of things to get:
- chip
- rabies vaccination done when at least 3 months of age and between 2 and 12 months before export
- a titter test (confirming rabies vaccine was effective) done between one month and 12 months after the rabies vaccine
- vaccination for enteritis, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus done between 14 days and 12 months before export
- anthelmintics effective against nematodes and cestodes done less than 14 days before travel
- parasiticide effective against ticks 96 hours before travel
- vet visit confirming the pet is fit for travel 48 hours before travel

Everything has to be logged in your pet passport as well as in an export certificate document that has to be filled in by your Vet. That export certificate must mention the import permit number and needs to be legalized by an official body of the vet services of the exporting country (Germany in your case).

Upon arrival, your pet will be quarantined for 5 days up to a month. Europe is usually 5 days but it is up to the Vet Services of Mauritius to decide when to release your pet.

As mentioned by Winston I'd advise against bringing your pet if only for 3 weeks. The hassle and cost are pretty significant.