
Health cover for UK expats in France.

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We have been living in Gozo, Malta for 6+years and have the benefit of full health cover via the S1 form in both Malta and UK. (we are both retired with state pensions).
Is there any similar agreement in place between the UK and France, or would we actually have to buy private health cover, as we are considering a move to France to be within easier travel distance to UK.
Here we have to have a taxi transfer and ferry just to get to the airport!

See also

The healthcare system for foreign retirees in FranceThe healthcare system in FranceHealth insurance for 70+US Medicare and French Protection universelle maladiePreventive care in France


The S1 Form for those in receipt of a UK state pension works in France in very much the same way it does in Malta.  However, assuming you are both UK citizens, Brexit will almost certainly screw that up and notwithstanding any new specific UK/FR agreements, you will need to make different arrangements, the same as any other Non-EU national.

There have been many discussions about French healthcare arrangements on this Forum, so I'd advise searching through the posts here.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Did a search but saw nothing related to health care agreements between UK / France. I am also aware that S1 is EU wide and that it will most likely cease after the UK leaves the EU.
I am aware that France has a system similar to NI. but saw nothing on the France forum for UK citizens who have reached state retirement age.
Will keep searching!


A bit more information; I just found this elsewhere on another Expat Forum:

Healthcare insurance is compulsory in France. There are 4 possibilities:

1.  by being employed and paying "côtisations" into the Régime Général of the French S.S. This gives the same healthcare coverage as the French receive, i.e. reimbursement of approx. 70% of medical expenses. It's recommended to take out a Mutuelle (top-up insurance) which will reimburse the 30% (the percentages are much lower for spectacles, false teeth and specialists who aren't "conventionnés" (attached to the S.S.)). For certain ailments (e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart problems....) the Doctor can classify it as an ALD (Affection de Longue Durée) and the patient pays nothing (but only concerning the ailment in question).
2.  by being registered as an Auto-Entrepreneur, Micro-Entreprise or other self-employed business structure. The same applies concerning reimbursement and the advisability of taking out a Mutuelle.
3.  by being in receipt of a UK State Pension and obtaining the S1 form issued by the DWP office in Newcastle and presenting it to the local CPAM. Likewise the same rights as a French citizen, and, at that age, indispensable to take out a Mutuelle.
4.  for those not in the above categories, called "inactifs", they must take out private healthcare insurance until they do enter one of them.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Catlover France

If you are living in France you should be on the French medical system. The S1 is really only for holiday makers to get treatment, not if you are living here.


I agree with your comment regarding the french Medical System.

Regarding the S1, the UK S1 document is only issued to people in receipt of a UK national State retirement Pension; frustratingly, other EU countries have different rules related to who/how/when they will issue their national version of the S1 too.

The S1document provides medical insurance for those people living in another EU country.  The holidaymaker's version is the EHIC/E111 document, for UK citizens this is restricted to those needing emergency treatment.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Dear all,

Everything is fully explained on this french official website.

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