
Fines for littering

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Ayuntamiento Municipal de Sosua...
Ley 120-99 prohíbe a toda persona física o jurídica tirar desperdicios sólidos o de cualquier naturaleza en calles, aceras, parques y espacios públicos.
Artículo 4: Las personas que sean sorprendidas tirando basura, desechos o desperdicios de cualquier tipo, del tamaño que fuere, en los lugares públicos, serán condenados a la pena de dos hasta 10 días de prisión o multas de 500 a 1000 pesos o ambas penas a la vez.
Si compartes, nos ayuda a EDUCAR.

Law 120-99 prohibits any physical or legal person from throwing solid waste or any other kind of waste into streets, sidewalks, parks and public spaces. Article 4: People who are caught throwing garbage, waste or waste of any kind, whatever size, in public places, will be sentenced to two to 10 days in prison or fines of 500 to 1000 pesos or both penalties both. If you share, it helps us to EDUCATE.

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I would love to see this applied.


I would really like to see a deposit of X pesos applied to the purchase of any beverage in a plastic or glass bottle.  That would ensure the immediate establishment of any number of 'pick up the trash' recycling businesses.


I would too.  However,  now you have to have a SYSTEM for this.  Imagine  colmados now needing to store empties for return.   

What they would end up doing is accepting empties from all over the place. While this gets plastic bottles off the streets and out of the garbage, now it puts the weight on the colmados, stores etc which they are not currently willing to accept. 

This needs to be well thought out! 

How do you stop every  bottle from the garbage dump being brought in for  payment of the "deposit" fee?   It may only be  5 RD but that would quickly add up. Who pays for all of that?  The manufacturers are not going to. The stores certainly won't.

My point,  its not simple!


Any bottle not marked for refund is not eligible.

Heck, they made it work in the states.  It isn't rocket surgery, somebody has figured out how to do it already.


OK so then they have to change out or adapt machinery to make the bottles, correct?

No honey, it's not rocket science but it's not simple either.

And sadly, we need political will.  That so far, is absent.


No need to change the machinery to make the bottles, they just get a label that says to redeem for refund. 

Or at least establish a value added reuse such as using for 'plastic asphalt' increasingly used in paving.

In a couple of years we'll have a fully reusable new plastic polymer in wide use without the huge enviro downsides.


Paving isn't something the DR government is regularly involved with.  Only under the most dire circumstance is that done.  Like before a presidential election.

Recycling will be a long time in coming.  We are not the tail that is going to wag that dog.

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